Book Review: The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment

“How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.”
- Proverbs 16:16

The world is a complicated place, and there is a great deal of foolishness masquerading as wisdom. Therefore, it is necessary for Christians to discern truth from error, right from wrong, and how to properly apply Scriptural knowledge in their lives. To this end, Tim Challies has served us well with The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment

Challies is a sharp writer who clearly and compellingly makes his case for discernment. The first chapter echoes Scripture’s call for discernment and warns against the dangers of neglecting it. The second chapter outlines the cultural headwinds against discernment, and the need for establishing a biblical worldview. In the third chapter Challies provides a multifaceted definition of discernment and sets the stage for the next few chapters. The fourth chapter discusses the heart of discernment and how Christians use it to make judgments and weigh truth against falsehood. The fifth and sixth chapters examine two similar areas of life that require discernment: knowing truth and discerning God’s will. The seventh chapter discusses the spiritual gift of discernment, and the ninth delves into how to be confident in discernment. The final chapter provides proper steps in making discerning decisions and judgments.

If you find yourself wondering how to understand the Bible, how to apply Scriptural wisdom in your life, and how to discern whether you are being influenced by wisdom or foolishness, I encourage you to read The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. If you want to be confident in your decision-making, rooted in a biblical worldview, and informed on how the Bible speaks of discernment, this is the book you’ll want to read. May we as a church body heed biblical wisdom, practice spiritual discernment, and thereby grow up in maturity, in Christlike character, and display the manifold wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:9, 4:11-16).

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment is an excellent book. It is easy to read, solidly biblical in its approach, and treads the crucial middle ground between deep theology and shallow how-to. I found this book an enjoyable, encouraging, and appropriately challenging read, and I hope you will give it your time and consideration. 


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