We as the people of God are invited to join him in his mission to redeem people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation. We stand at a specific point in that story, where this mission is not yet complete. There remain whole peoples, languages, and ethnicities who have little to complete lack of access to the gospel–they don’t know a christian, there are no churches near them, they don’t have the scriptures.
We seek to send our people and steward our resources for the glory of God among all nations. We do this through the development, sending, and support of healthy laborers set apart to pursue healthy church planting movements among unreached people groups.
*To Connect with a Global Engagement Leader email us here.

A 10-week class that explores God’s heart for all nations. The class is taaught by experienced missionaries, mobilizers, and pastors who will encourage participants to explore taking part in what the Lord is doing among all nations.

A 10-week training program designed to build confidence and competence in the process of making disciples out of the lost people in our communities. Participants will gain a significant number of hours (20+) engaged in active pursuit of making disciples, praying for the lost, and a clear vision of for teaming up with and training other believers as fellow ambassadors for Christ.

A 9-month program that develops the partners of Paradox on their journey toward being sent out of the church to the nations and provides a context for engaging in cross cultural disciple-making here in Fort Worth before deploying.
The curriculum of the program focuses on a variety of topics such as spiritual and character development, missiology, cross-cultural ministry training, and passion for Jesus. This step is developmental, but it can also be a step of discernment for a participant to confirm their calling and clarify the people, place, or team that God is inviting them to pursue.

Connect with a mobilizer to find your role in God's global mission!