The Paradox Church
Fort Worth, Tx

The Family of God: Combatting Loneliness through Spiritual Community

Have you ever felt lonely?

Our guess is probably so. We have too. You're not alone. Thankfully, God designed the world for us to do life together. To form deep, intergenerational relationships. We believe the church is the primary place this happens. And we'd love to help you find your role.

SATURDAY, February 1

The Paradox Church
Fort Worth, Tx

Parenting the Home: Raising Resilient Disciples (And What to Do with Technology)

Parents! We've got something special for you… Do you ever wonder what to do about screen time? Do you ever worry about your children continuing to follow Jesus after they leave the home?

Join us for this session, where we'll also answer any questions you have. Childcare is provided!