An Unshaken Church is a Serving Church. Use your gifts for the glory of God
and good of others.

The Hospitality Team exists that “all may belong.” From welcoming people in at the front door to helping them find a seat, you can be a part of people getting connected.

hospitality TEAM

The Worship Team is a spirit-led, gospel-driven, and joy-filled ministry that exists to proclaim and display the glory and grace of God, that all may sing!


The Prayer Team intercedes for our brothers and sisters, church, city, and our world, knowing God hears, cares, and answers the prayers of his people for our good, his purposes, and his glory.

Prayer Team

The Prdx Kids and Students teams exist to see kids and families transformed by the glory and grace of Jesus. Discipleship of the next generation happens through teaching the gospel, singing and dancing, playing games, and laughing a lot along the way. Come join the fun!

prdx kids & STUDENTS

The Production Team sets the stage for Church gatherings through lights, sound, video, and visual presentations.

Production Team

A team of writers, artists, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, social media managers, and other creatives using our gifts to proclaim and display the glory and grace of God.

creative Team

Our Premarital Ministry exists to serve couples in our city by building strong marriages that are prepared to endure the long haul. Are you passionate about seeing marriages thrive? There are opportunities to serve as premarital coaches, administrative support, or event help.

premarital ministry

Our City Group Leaders are faithful followers of Jesus and are committed to helping others grow in their relationship with the Lord. With the support of ongoing mentoring, our leaders practice their spiritual gifts while encouraging others to use their gifts in community and helping to create a hospitable space to process and apply what is preached on Sundays.


The Discipleship Ministries exist to encourage and strengthen The Paradox Church toward greater knowledge of and affection for Jesus so that we are better equipped to saturate Fort Worth with his glory and grace. We have several opportunities to support our classes and events including: hospitality, set-up/tear-down, childcare, logistics & administration.


The City Engagement exists to push back the darkness in Fort Worth by mobilizing, equipping, and supporting our city through mercy and justice ministries. Developing Internal initiatives and external partnerships to provide sustainable, holistic solutions to support and meet the needs of our city.