A Foster & Adoption Story: The Priest Family

“When we first started fostering our biological boys were 2 and 1. It was pretty clear to us we would be a ‘one placement at a time’ kind of family. Our first placement was with us from the time he left the hospital at 7 days old until he was 10 months old and moved to a kinship family. We wholeheartedly loved this little boy, but not just him, we also loved his family. We supported his mom the best way we knew how while he was with us and continued to do so after he left. We made efforts to form a bond with the family members he would be moving to so that we could continue to be a part of his life. We still see and talk to them regularly. His mom Facetimed me excitedly from the delivery room in October of 2023 to show me her new precious baby girl. Two days later she called again in tears with a CPS worker saying baby girl was being removed. At the time we had a placement of a 6 month old little boy. We knew we’d be stretched, but we also knew the Lord was telling us to say yes. So we did. 

Fast forward to May of this year. That sweet 6 month old boy is now 1. He is still with us, and his mom (who we have also come to know and love) sends me pictures from the hospital of her new precious girl. We get to take L to visit his baby sister several times; providing whatever love and support we can for mom and baby. A few weeks later, we get another call. We had anticipated this and prayed about it and discussed it for a while. Our answer was clear again. We would say yes, and we did. 

I never thought I would be a mom to 5 kids. I really never thought those kids would be 5, 3, 1, 7 months, and 1 month. But God. He has been so gracious. He has stretched us more through this foster care journey than I ever thought possible. In large part through His people. The way our family, friends, and Prdx family has wrapped around us has been absolutely amazing and so humbling. Walking in faith sometimes looks like falling to your knees and accepting the help you’ve previously been too proud to ask for. We do not do this in our own strength, it is through Christ alone. That’s not to say it’s easy, day in and day out it is a grind. It is hard. Hard on our marriage, on our kids, on our (non existent) social life. It’s mountains of paperwork and calendars full of appointments and visits and caseworkers. It’s also hands down the best yes we’ve ever said. It’s worth every hardship. Every exhausting day. Every heavy conversation with biological families. I wouldn’t trade this crazy ride we are on for anything in the world.”

- The Priest Family

Specific prayer requests:

We find a good rhythm as we transition into a family of 7.  We each find grace for ourselves and each other.
Our marriage stays strong and united.
All 5 of our children feel seen, heard, and valued.
Biological families - supporting them sometimes feel like the heaviest part. Praying that they grow closer to God during this difficult time. And that we have the right words and actions to support them through this.
We are so incredibly grateful for our paradox family.

Every meal, every wish list item, every prayer, every check in and kind word. You will never know how much it means to us. Not everyone is called to invite children into their home, but through serving our family you have shown love and support to these vulnerable children and we cannot thank you enough."

Ways to serve:
Meal Train
Amazon Wishlist


Book Review: Exiles


Book Review: Daniel Commentary, NIVAC