Man of Sorrows, King of Glory looks at Jesus’ life with a heavy focus on the cross. Rhodes spends the first half of the book examining the humiliation of Christ through his life on earth, and his suffering in death. The second half of the book examines Christ’s exaltation - his triumph over death in resurrection and his ascension to glory. Through both Christ’s humiliation and his exaltation, the author spends time explaining how Jesus fulfills the threefold office of Prophet, Priest, and King.

Throughout the book, Rhodes also addresses the person of Christ and delves into the dual nature of Jesus being both fully man and fully God. While this is by no means an exhaustive discussion on this mysterious topic, it provides some helpful insights for someone seeking to understand more about Jesus’ divine and human natures, as well as how they both work together to accomplish God’s purposes to save his people.

While the chapters are short, they are packed full of deep concepts. This book will make you think and will be best read when you have time to think through each section as you go. The author uses many verses of scripture to explain theologically how Christ perfectly fulfills the offices of Prophet, Priest, and King and why his work on the cross is the key necessary for him to do so.

This book urges us that “there is more to being gospel-centered than just thinking about the cross...we are to fix our minds on Christ crucified and Christ risen, Christ in his humiliation and Christ in his exultation.

Man of Sorrows, King of Glory will be a book that gives you a deeper appreciation for Christ’s death and resurrection. As we journey through the Lenten season toward Easter Sunday, reading this book will bring a new understanding of Christ being the true Prophet, the High Priest, and our eternal King.


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