A Call to TCU Men

This is a call to TCU men. Last night at the South University City Group I expressed that one of my largest prayers for TCU is that God would grow dozens of strong Christian men among us to join us in what God is doing on campus. I mentioned that we just haven't seen very many TCU guys become strong leaders in our church. We have a few, and I thank God for them, but the college guys are ridiculously outnumbered by their female counterparts in our city group, and at our church. I made mention to the fact that all the strong guys might be hiding somewhere else, and the girls laughed. All of them. Guys, they're laughing. At you. They laugh because they don't think that strong Christian TCU men are hiding, they think that they're nonexistent. Don't worry, you probably spend so much time looking at girls on your computer screen that you don't care that they're laughing. Or maybe you don't care that they laugh because you find more pleasure in alcohol, drunkenness, and partying. They laugh at you because you're weak, and don't actually love Jesus. You feign strength in your social standing, the car you drive, or the fraternity you pledge allegiance to. You're completely content with living a mediocre, self-seeking life of nothingness. Others might not see your life that way, but when you're true to yourself, you know. You claim to worship Jesus, and you probably grew up in the church, but somewhere along the way friends, and alcohol and girls began to look more appealing than the God who made all of them. I get it. You've probably never had someone actually teach you what biblical manhood looks like, and you're past the point of caring. Don't you see how much your campus needs you? Don't you see how much influence you could have? Don't you see that there's a better way? Boys, grow up. We need you. Maybe the guy that I described above isn't you. You don't struggle with pornography, drunkenness, and can't find identity in your car because you drive a 94' Jetta. You make good grades, and you're a nice guy. Especially to girls, it's what your mom would have wanted. You show up to church sometimes, and you even take notes. You know every Chris Tomlin song by heart, and even play the acoustic guitar. You see brokenness and depravity all around you which makes you think that you're alright because you read your Bible a couple times a week. This isn't enough. We need more from you. Guys, wake up. We need you. Before we get too much farther, I want to make sure that it's clear that I'm not promoting that we need macho men. Manhood isn't who can scream the loudest and do the most one-handed-hand-stand-push-ups. On a chair. Balancing on a lion. While singing Creed. 

"...you think that you're alright because you read your Bible a couple times a week. This isn't enough. We need more from you."

  True manhood finds it's home in the worship of Jesus: Living a life that worships and beholds Christ in every aspect of life as we are transformed to look more and more like him. We need men who love Jesus, and want to see others love him more. We need men who will actually, unashamedly talk to their friends about Jesus. We need men who have a desire for their friends to stop worshipping silly things. We need men who can be gentle, yet firm. We need men to lead, care for, and look after their sisters in Christ. We need men who confess and repent of sin, and who love the Scriptures. We need men who have a passion for TCU, and desire to see God move greatly on campus. We need godly men.Men, step up. We need you. Luckily for us there is hope, and His name is Jesus. In Christ alone can you grow in maturity. By his grace alone may you stop worshipping lesser gods to behold his goodness. God made Christ to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might be made the righteousness of God. Because of the sufficient work of Christ alone you can actually grow out of boyhood and be the mature man that God is calling you to be. If you're "in Christ" then Jesus has already done the work for you, you've already been made clean. Cling to Christ, he is your only hope. 

"Because of the sufficient work of Christ alone you can actually grow out of boyhood and be the mature man that God is calling you to be."

  There is too much work to be done for us to sit idly by. Our church, our city, and the world needs strong, godly TCU men. We need you. I'd love to chat with anyone interested in responding to the call. If you're a godly TCU guy, want to grow to be a godly TCU guy, and are interested in playing a part of what God is doing through The Paradox at TCU, let's chat. I'd love to equip, empower, and serve you the best that I can that you may grow into the fullness of Christ. Shoot me an email at matt@thepardoxchurch.com, and we'll talk about how you fit in.Matt Allen leads worship at The Paradox, and leads the South University City Group. 


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