A Good Disciple: Mentoring by the Apostle Paul
We start a new series on Sunday in 2 Timothy. As we continue our emphasis this year on discipleship, we are excited about a seven week series through this great letter written by the Apostle Paul at the end of his life.
- 2 Timothy is written by Paul of Tarsus, the great missionary, church planter, and Apostle who authored much of the New Testament. In it we can sit under his mentorship, like meeting with an old, seasoned saint for coffee over the course of seven weeks as he shares years of faithful ministry, missionary suffering, and Spirit-filled passion for the Gospel of Jesus.
- 2 Timothy is the Apostle Paul’s last letter, written at the end of his life, while imprisoned in Rome awaiting execution. In this, his “last will and testament,” Paul talks about the "good deposit" (1:14) referring to the Gospel, being a "good soldier" (2:3), ready to do "good work" (2:21, 3:17); he warns us that some are "not loving good" (3:3), and that we should fight the "good fight" (4:7). In essence, he teaches us and shows us what it looks like to be a Good Disciple.
We have a number of supplemental materials for you as we go through this series. 1. Discipleship Assessment. Take this online discipleship assessment to help gauge where you are in your character, knowledge of the Scriptures, certain doctrines, and some practical theology as well. We hope it will be fun, helpful, and a way to stir you Jesus and his Word.2. The Good Book Guide To 2 Timothy by Mark Mulryne. Use this for your own study and your Discipleship Group to complement the sermon series and our City Group gatherings. We believe it would be a great benefit to our whole body to be diving deep into the same book together. Collectively we would be reading it, working through the study guide, listening to it preached, encouraging one another with it in our City Groups, applying it with our Discipleship Groups, friends, and family, and sharing it with those that don’t know Jesus.We’ll have 20 study guides this Sunday at the book table. Or you can order them here:
Below is the sermon schedule. We encourage you to read the Scripture and work through the study guide the week after each sermon.
- 5/11 :: 1:1-18 - A Good Gospel
- 5/18 :: 2:1-13 - A Good Soldier
- 5/25 :: 2:14-26 - A Good Worker
- 6/01 :: 3:1-9 - A Good Warning
- 6/08 :: 3:10-16 - A Good Word
- 6/15 :: 4:1-8 - A Good Fight
- 6/22 :: 4:9-22 - A Good Finish
3. Disciple by Bill Clem or Gospel-Centered Discipleship by Jonathan Dodson. We encourage you to read through one of these during this series.4. Verses to memorize. Every Monday we will share a graphic of a verse(s) from Sunday’s passage for us to memorize each week as a body.We pray that the Spirit would press the truth deep into our hearts and continue to transform us into the image of Jesus as we follow him as his disciples. That we would be equipped to live on mission displaying and proclaiming the Good News of our Good King.Use #agooddisciple to share what you are learning on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.