A Plan to Further Understand Your Missional Calling

photo (5)Justin Pearson and his wife Julie are members of the Fairmount City Group. Justin is in the Deacon process at The Paradox and leads our movement with international missions.God's heart is that the nations would know and worship Him. He is seeking people to worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). Our prayer is that his heart would be our heart as well. We want His desires to become ours. Throughout Scripture we see God's push to bless all nations. He makes Adam and Eve to live in relationship with Him. Then He covenants with Abraham that through his seed (Jesus) all the nations would be blessed. He blessed Israel so that the nations will see and turn to Him. He came in the flesh and died to make salvation possible, then sent out His followers to share that good news. Ever since, the Church has been on that mission to be His witnesses in "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8).It is our desire that the people of The Paradox would be motivated by God's heart to reach the nations here in Fort Worth and around the world. Perspectives in the World Christian Movement, a class dedicated to fostering a missional worldview, is a great place to start.More than a missions class, Perspectives is about showing students their place in God's cosmic plan of redemption and the role they can play in joining God in this plan. It is a class for all believers. I want to encorage everyone to consider taking the class. It is a big committment well worth your time.When: Thursdays, Jan. 16 to May 1, 2014Time: 6:30-9:30pm.Where: McKinney Memorial Bible Church, 4805 Arborlawn Dr., Fort Worth (76109)Cost: Certificate Level $250;  Key Reading $250 (Less work than certificate); Undergraduate/Graduate credit $485

Register for the class here

To find out about getting college or graduate credit for the class contact Sally Folkins. Scholarships are possible. You can save $100 by watching Pioneer videos and receiving a promo code. More details on that here.I'm praying that you will join me and believers from all over Fort Worth in taking this step to understanding God's heart for the nations and the role He has for you.


City Groups :: Families of Disciples (Part 4)


Caring for This City