By Name :: The Perfect Pursuit

Several weeks ago, when I heard that we as The Paradox Church were going to take part in the Prayer By Name Initiative I was terrified. Resulting from a number of different events, I have had the opportunity to form a new friendship with a non-christian, and I knew without a doubt this would be the friend I would be praying for during the next six weeks.My fear had little to no relation with presenting the gospel or building the relationship. The relationship I have with this friend is very natural and I believe that we both enjoy the time we spend together. I knew there was some form of fear present, that was clear, but this deep-rooted disbelief dared not reveal itself.I have been aware (although not for very long) of my tendency to fall into a fear of men. The idea of praying for an individual’s salvation over these 6 weeks immediately launched me into “success” or “achievement” mode. I was sure that this fear I was experiencing was related. I was sure that I was reacting to a desire to produce “results”. Although this was partially true, I was yet to understand the root of my sin.The day after we started the by name initiative I discovered that the friend I chose to pray for is in fact an atheist.GREAT!Now all I could think of is the growing hurdle coming at me hard and fast. Not only do I have to present this friend with the gospel and through my own abilities do this in such a way that will convince them to accept Jesus. I also have to deconstruct their current beliefs as well as the presuppositions that brought them there. I must be the one to dig down into layer upon layer of those beliefs that are within their subconscious.The beautiful masterpiece is that while I was praying for God to save this friend, He was continuing to reveal more and more of himself to me. During our congregational worship this past Sunday as I was reminded of God’s work in Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection I saw how great a belief I have had in myself and how little a belief I have had in God. My fear is directly related to the great sin of mankind; I believed that I was greater than God. I was trying to become God.God’s work in Jesus’ life, and specifically his crucifixion and resurrection is perfect. The gospel story of Jesus Christ attracts, convicts and reveals our need for him and his work perfectly. The gospel is exactly what we need. The good news is more than a story. Jesus’ work perfectly saves us. The gospel is powerful and perfect. 

The gospel is exactly what we need. The good news is more than a story. Jesus’ work perfectly saves us.

 The truth is that my friend is an atheist. The greater truth is that if God pursues him (which I believe He is), God will save him. God can perfectly pursue my friend’s heart. God can perfectly deconstruct any presuppositions and current beliefs. God can redeem anyone from any situation.Please register your participation by emailing Please include your name and the names of those you are praying for.You can download wallpaper for your phone or computer as a reminder to pray for them daily. Download here


Redemption Groups :: Week One


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