Genesis means “beginning” or “origin” and it is here, in the book of beginnings, that we find the deep core answers to many of the questions we are asking today. The bible is a timeless book that speaks into timely issues and in Genesis we see narratives, prose, poetry, genealogies, and history echoing 3500 years of answers to questions our culture is asking now.
We will cover the whole book of Genesis over the course of the next two years, but for the next three months we will stay in the first three chapters covering these major themes:
Who is God? (1/18)
Imago Dei: Abortion (1/25)
Imago Dei: Racial Reconciliation (2/1)
Creation: Part 1 (2/8)
Creation: Part 2 (2/15)
Biblical Manhood (2/22)
Biblical Womanhood (3/1)
Singleness (3/8)
Marriage (3/15)
Sex/Sexuality (3/22)
Homosexuality (3/29)
Throughout our time in these major themes we will be answering your questions submitted via social media on Twitter and Facebook. Pastor Jim will answer a few questions each week on video. Use the hashtag #PRDXGENESIS to submit your questions.
Additionally, we put together a short commentary (See Here) on a few of the topics we will teach on through the first couple of months of the Genesis series. Please use it as a supplement to the teaching on Sundays. We hope it blesses you.
Also, we commissioned two “consortiums” through the ministry of one our members, Ezra Boggs. Ezra leads the Bible and Beer Consortium that gathers Christians, skeptics, and atheists together to discuss and debate current cultural issues. On January 25th, Pastor Jim will lecture on Reconciling the Race Issue, and on Feburary 22nd, Dave Sterrett will lecture on "Examining the Fatal Fallacies in the Abortion Debate.”Both consortiums will be held at Live Oak Music Hall & Lounge and will start at 6pm.