Get Trained For a Life of Mission: Porterbrook

 EQ_1920By Ryan KeeneyApply for the 2017-2018 year of Porterbrook today. I have a certificate of completion for the two year program of Porterbrook mounted in my office.What does it mean?Nothing in regards to a masters degree.Nothing to those that come into my office for counseling.Nothing for my resume.Everything for my character (heart).Everything for my understanding (head).Everything for my skills (hands).God has used this program to help change my character. It has been instrumental to putting to death sin in me and awakening delight in the Trinity. He used it grow my understanding of the Scriptures, the world and our mission. It has been instrumental in growing me as a missionary. He used it to hone my skills and form my counseling, leading and teaching.If you would like to grow as a follower of Christ, a minister of the Word and a disciple-maker, I would encourage you to consider Porterbrook Fort Worth.It consists of great teaching during four Saturday seminars, hands-on training, flexibility with your busy life, community in cohorts and an affordable price.My hope is that you would participate in Porterbrook to get trained for a life of mission.If you enroll, you'll begin to know more of the love and grace of Jesus; to be equipped to exercise the gifts the Spirit has given you, in our church and in the world. You'll understand what it means to be sent to display and proclaim the good news of Jesus; to passionately worship Jesus; To shepherd and counsel others that have suffered greatly or are living in bondage to sinful patterns; To raise up and disciple your children in the ways of Jesus.Find out more about Porterbrook here


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