How Jesus Changed Me - Mario & Candice

Jesus stirred up Mario and Candice's marriage through the Sex, Singleness, and Marriage series. They were convicted by the Spirit and began to confess and repent to God and one another. While walking in repentance they created a biblical vision for their marriage. Here is a condensed version of it.Christ-Centered Marriage :: Ephesians 5:21, 31-33

:: Our first step is to understand that the goal is not a having a “good” or even a “great” marriage but to be centered on Christ. Through submission to the power and authority of Christ alone will we be able to accomplish becoming “one flesh.”:: Marked by love and respect:  This will be accomplished first through our love and respect for our Lord Jesus and overflow into our marriage.

 Fueled by Grace :: Ephesians 1:7-10

:: Christ pursues his bride, the church, by grace, obtains her for his own by grace, sustains her by grace, and will perfect her for himself by grace.:: Since we deserve none of this, in fact deserving judgment and wrath, we will love and respect each other by Jesus’ example in that we pursue, love, sustain, perfect and fuel each other by grace.

 Grace :: Treating Each Other Better Than We Deserve :: 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

:: We will commit ourselves fully to each other and be forgiving as we build unity and oneness.:: Upon being convicted by the Holy Spirit of our sins we will base our response to it through the cycle of biblical repentance by confessing our sins, repenting of our sins, restoring back what was lost due to our sin, reconciling and rejoicing.:: We will be sensitive of each other’s need for intimacy even if we feel it’s “not deserved.”:: We will have sex frequently.:: We will be the example of grace and redemption to our children.

 Grace :: Power to Worship Jesus

:: Through grace we will push each other to change, conform and reform for the glory of Christ and for the joy of our spouse.:: And through the power of grace we will not “be” but be “becoming” in that we will be changing, be conforming, be reforming, and be killing sin!

 Mario’s Role :: Ephesians 5:25-30

:: I will by Christ’s example pursue vigorously the transformation of my bride to be without spot or wrinkle by the washing of the word.:: I will be an example to her of submission as I lead out by submitting to the Authority of Christ, the Holy Scriptures and the Church.:: I will do this by dying everyday in submission as well as not only being ready to die for my bride but to live for her daily.:: I will not force change but through grace lovingly walk with my wife, edifying her, as I love like Christ.:: I will remember although I’m called to be like Christ, I’m not Christ!  Ultimately my wife submitting to me is nothing that I deserves or am entitled to but rather is her trusting that I will be faithful in the assignment that our Lord has given me and that is to lead her into, foster and protect her relationship with Christ.:: I’m leading my bride to conform to Christ and not me!

 Candice’s Role :: Ephesians 5:22-24

:: Submitting to my husband is a reflection of my submission to Christ!:: Christ is Supreme my husband is not.:: My first allegiance is to Christ not my husband, if I submit to Christ absolutely then I will absolutely submit to my husband, then and only then will I be in a position to submit to my husband without committing treason or idolatry.:: I will do this by praying for my husband, being iron for him, and pushing him to become more like Christ.:: Being a loving sister in Christ, rather than nagging, I will by grace be forgiving and forbearing in that I will submit and follow the leadership of my husband.

Mario & Candice are members of the The Commons City Group.You can get all the content from the Sex, Singleness, & Marriage series here.If you would like to share how Jesus changed you email Ryan.


Six Stages of Repentance :: Confession (2 of 6)


Six Stages of Repentance :: Conviction (1 of 6)