Men, Marriage, Our Church

Our time in the Sex, Singleness, & Marriage series has been very fruitful and God has been very gracious to answer our prayers. Daily stories come in about all that He is doing in and among our people through these topics and through the Gospel.This Sunday we will cover Men and Marriage. Like we did with Women and Marriage, we will look at biblical manhood and then how that specifically plays into marriage as husbands. Also like the Women and Marriage sermon, it will be greatly beneficial for single men and also for married and single women alike.I am asking that all of our men (and invite others) make it a point to be there Sunday. Cancel plans; fly home early if you’re out of town; get a B12 shot if you’re sick; just be there.My hope for Sunday is this: that men would be greatly in awe at what God has called them to, that they would be challenged and feel the weight of it, but also that they would be encouraged that – while the responsibility they have been given is impossible apart from Christ –  in Christ it is possible! Men are the glory of God (1 Cor 11:7).Ultimately, my hope is that the Spirit of God would move in a powerful way as the men of our church commit to Jesus, His mission, His church, and His daughters.We have been graced with great men. We also have good, solid men that desire to grow and be discipled and to learn how to lead out in their calling.In large part we started this church for the men of this city and because of the men of this city.I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday.For His Fame,Pastor Jim


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