My Hope - Women and Marriage

As part of our Sex, Singleness, & Marriage series we will be covering, "Women and Marriage" this coming Sunday.My hope for you this Sunday is this:1. That you would have a much bigger view of what it means to be a woman than you ever thought or imagined. That you would be amazed at how God has designed you, amazed at the great calling that He has called you too, and overwhelmed by the great magisterial beauty He is making you.2. That through the word of God and the Spirit of God you would be challenged and convicted.3. Finally, my hope is that your hope would be in one man - Jesus. For it is Jesus that created you as woman, it is Jesus that has called you to a great calling, it is Jesus that died for you and cleansed you of sin, and it is Jesus that is making you a great magisterial beauty that you cannot even fathom because He is majestic and He is beauty, and He is making you like Him..For His Fame,Pastor JimListen to the sermons in the Sex, Singleness, & Marriage series here


Wives and the Gospel


Redemption Groups - Week Nine: A Fight Not Over