Pray For Julie Matthews

Several weekends ago we had the joy of sending off one of our own, Julie Matthews, as she heads off to Africa for six months to work in medical missions. Read below for information about her trip, and how you can be praying for her while she's gone.Way before I was aware of it, God was preparing my heart for overseas missions. Over the past year God has opened door after door for this desire to to become reality! For the next 6 months I will be living and working as a nurse at Good Shepherd’s Fold Orphanage in Jinja, Uganda. I’m going through a missions organization called African Inland Mission.Another nurse from Pennsylvania and myself will be responsible for the daily medical care of the roughly 90 children at the orphanage. We will also have the opportunity to build relationships with the Ugandan workers and community members. I am not sure what details or specifics will look like just yet, but I am trusting that whatever is in store God is in control!During this time I would greatly appreciate prayer support. These are a few things that I ask for you to keep in your prayers::: That God uses this time to grow my dependence and reliance on Him, continually deepening my relationship with Him.:: That God gives me courage to use every opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus while boldly proclaiming the gospel. That real, deep relationships can form in a short time so that Christ might be glorified.:: Learn how to live on mission daily, so that I am able to continue to live this way upon my return.:: For safety during my trip, for myself and those at Good Shepherd’s Fold Orphanage.I am very grateful for my loving church family that has encouraged and supported this journey every step of the way! I will be sharing stories and pictures of this journey on my blog: BecasueHeSaidGoM28.blogspot.comI would love for each of you to follow along!For His Glory,Julie MatthewsJulie is a member of the Monticello City Group.


Instagram :: City Group Leader Quarterly Celebration 11/4/12


Baby Dedications :: October 2012