Redemption Group Psalms :: Mario Reyes

In November we celebrated God’s grace through Jesus at our Redemption Group Celebration. Participants of the most recent round of Redemption Groups often wrote of the things God taught them and did on their behalf through writing a psalm. This is a psalm written by Mario Reyes.Listen to Mario read his psalm here: [audio:|titles=RG Stories - Mario Reyes]My King,

I have taken Your place in my heart,
And I have regarded myself:
The hero, the lone victor, a man set apart.
I'm really the opposite of all those,
Afraid to let go
Of my pride.
See, it's my pride that bolsters inside,
Brewing a stew of lies,
My heart fell right in line
Like all bets aside:
I got this.
All I know is: Your word never lied,
Because right before the fall comes pride.
And still I tried to stand tall
Dealing with seasons of control,
The treason of my soul,
Looking for reasons to uphold
My banner.
Like I have throne to come to,
A heavenly home to run to
Like I have a Kingdom?
And I'm tell You to come through?
All the while pushing You aside
Hiding my guilt, my shame the pain, my pride, I'm outta control.
Spinning violently,
Spinning violently,
I thought I would die,
But God,
You took over,
Covered me from the fall
Yet broke my pride,
I'm in Your Sovereign presence
You have removed my offense and since,
I have sensed Your goodness as you flooded my heart with your presence
I have relinquished control of my soul,
Breaking the grip of fear I finally let go,
Only to find myself falling.
Only to find myself falling.
Only to find myself falling...
Uncontrollably in love with you.
My King.

Mario is a partner of The Paradox, and a member of The Commons City Group.

Read more about Redemption Groups here.
You can also apply for our next round of Redemption Groups in 2013 here.

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