Redemption Groups - Week 6: God in Suffering

Life was difficult this week. I walked into redemption group emotionally drained with all that had been going on with my family, and like I said, just life. Throughout the week I had been pretty honest about what was going on in my world with my city group and other friends, and since most of the others in my redemption group know me well, most of them knew about my week and my present circumstances.As the group time progressed I had the opportunity to share about my week. Although I had recounted the story a dozen times to concerned friends over the past 5 days, the group was less concerned about the progression of facts or my prediction of the future and more concerned with who God is in the midst of my suffering. Of course they showed genuine concern and empathy, but they also loved me too much to let me wallow in my inability to be my family’s savior. Instead we rejoiced in that very fact and remembered God’s grace in willingly sending Jesus to be the Savior that I am utterly incapable of being.Ultimately, the purpose of this blog is to bring glory to the God for the good work He is/will be doing in me and others (Psalm 107).  This blog will do that by broadly sharing my thoughts and feelings about the entire process each week, with no identifying information about others or myself.  The hope is that it will help inform others of what to expect and calm their nerves about actually going through redemption groups themselves.For more information on Redemption Groups go here


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Redemption Groups - Week 5: Psalms