Redemption Groups - Week Eight: Lasting Change

We had our next to last redemption group last night.  The discussion focused on the tricks we believe as a means of lasting change instead of believing in the lasting change that comes from the hope we have in Christ.  Of the tricks mentioned, I most identify with “morbid introspection.” Introspection in and of itself is not a completely bad thing; however, thinking that my ability to figure out what is wrong with me and how to fix it is hope placed in myself instead of Jesus.The group session went really well also.  This week was very celebratory, a few of the participants talked about how God is moving in their life and how much joy they have in Him now.  It was neat because we have all been walking together over the past few weeks, and to see joy and relief on each other’s faces after seeing the burden on their shoulders is nothing short of a miracle. There was also a little anxiety in their voices, which I can identify with -- when you are in a place so in sync with God it’s terrifying to know that there will be a time in the near future when you are not.   As a group we recognized that and talked about God’s unwillingness to let us go.  So even though there will be times when I am not fully consumed by His presence and goodness He is still all consuming and good and the truth of that remains forever.Ultimately, the purpose of this blog is to bring glory to the God for the good work He is/will be doing in me and others (Psalm 107).  This blog will do that by broadly sharing my thoughts and feelings about the entire process each week, with no identifying information about others or myself.  The hope is that it will help inform others of what to expect and calm their nerves about actually going through redemption groups themselves.


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