PRDX365: September & October

For September, we conclude our time in Genesis. Of specific note is the Joseph narrative in chapters 37-50 which expresses many themes found in the life of Jesus. We will also spend a week working through Galatians and seeing some theological commentary on the role of faith as descendants of Abraham (specifically chapter 4). We will also finish Proverbs for the second time, and then turn back to Psalms to pick up various themes, beginning with a deep dive into Psalm 119. This chapter is the longest psalm, an acrostic poem (each stanza begins with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet) which focuses on God’s law and how it is a gift and a guide for us. 

In October we will begin the fourth quarter by studying the book of Isaiah, which will echo many of the themes we have studied in Revelation - specifically of God’s righteous judgment, conquest over sin and injustice, and ensuring lasting peace through Christ. Isaiah also revisits Jesus’ title, the “Son of David,” along with “Immanuel” (God with us). We will continue reading in Psalms, seeing several more themes of confidence, lament, remembrance, and wisdom. 


PRDX365: Wrapping Up 2023


Hope when Miscarrying a Baby