Welcome Our New Deacons

Two Sundays ago we introduced three new deacons: Shawn McCorkle, Jessica McCorkle, and Derek Carson. Shawn and Derek serve by coaching City Group leaders, raising up future leaders, and casting vision for the neighborhoods of our city. Jessica serves Pastor Jim and Pastor Ryan administratively, including scheduling, finances, event preparation, and much, much more. They are a blessing to our body and serve it well. We want all of you to meet them, so we asked them to share about their lives.Deacon Shawn McCorkleI grew up in Garland, TX. I went to Texas A&M University for most of my undergraduate work and for an additional four years in Veterinary School. I graduated in 2010, practiced emergency medicine until August 2012 when I transitioned into a day practice where I currently am at A-Animal Clinic and Boarding Kennel in Fort Worth.  I met my beautiful wife in the Fall of 2009. Late that same year the Lord used her along with others and a few C.S. Lewis books to draw me unto Himself. He who set me apart before I was born called me by His grace in January 2010.  I started dating my wife shortly after that (like a week), asked her to marry me in October 2010, and we were married in March 2011.I became a City Group leader in the summer of 2011. That Fall I stepped down because I was not leading my wife well (Pastor Jim asked me to step down). God grew me a lot that winter and I started leading the Wedgwood City Group in March of 2012. In January 2013 I was called to start coaching other City Group leaders, which is how I serve as a deacon. My role is to love and shepherd other leaders in our church for their sake, the sake of their marriages, the sake of the people they are leading, and in turn for the sake of Jesus' glory as His name is proclaimed throughout the city and abroad. I find great joy in this, but more than anything through this and other things recently God has shown me that my hope and joy is in Jesus alone and not in what He may or may not do through me. Jesus is good, and I'm blessed to be His bondservant and an adopted son of God.Deacon Jessica McCorkleI was born and raised in Webster, Texas. I did my undergraduate at Texas A&M University, and that is where I met my wonderful husband, Shawn. After moving to Fort Worth, Texas to complete my master, both Shawn and I fell in love with the city and its people and knew that it was where God wanted us for the long haul. We began attending The Paradox Church January 2011 and since then we have seen God move in amazing ways. Through the power of His gospel we’ve seen tremendous growth in ourselves as well as the community God has blessed us with. Some time last year I started working as an administrative assistant at The Paradox Church, which is how I serve as a deacon. Since we are a growing church, I am blessed to wear many hats, such as: executive assistant to Pastor Jim and Pastor Ryan, bookkeeping, event planning, and any other odd job that comes along.God has definitely grown me and has blown up every plan I thought I had for my life so far. I have taken great joy in finding out that God’s plan is better! I am very thankful and feel extremely blessed to be called into the role of deacon. “The etymology of the word, deacon, means literally through the dust, referring to the dust raised up by the hardworking servant of Jesus and His mission. This paints a great picture of what deacons are and do” (Pastor Jim). What a beautiful picture! Dust is being raised up due to the amount of work being done… and it is work that is for our Lord and King, for His mission, for His glory. It has nothing to do with ourselves. As I pray and reflect on what this means and what God is calling me to, I am stirred to worship. “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). God’s paradoxical approach to the world was perfectly displayed when Jesus came to the earth as a humble servant, and then was ultimately displayed by death on a cross. We are called to serve, not for ourselves, but to die to ourselves and serve others as our King did. What a calling. To serve joyfully, to serve for His glory, to serve as an outpouring of the love and grace that you do not deserve, but received anyway – I can’t help but worship.Deacon Derek CarsonI was born and raised in East Texas by two God-fearing parents. Through their witness, Jesus saved me at a young age and set into motion the slow process of sanctification that continues to this day. I went to college at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, where I majored in business, and then to law school at The University of Memphis. During this time, Jesus stirred my affections for him in a new way, refined my understanding of the gospel, and put within me a passion for gospel-centered racial reconciliation in His church.After law school, I moved to Fort Worth to work as a federal judicial law clerk. I met my gorgeous wife, Annie, a few months later, and we were married in June 2012. We lead The Commons City Group, whom we love dearly, and I coach a few other City Group leaders as well.  It is my desire to see the advancement of Jesus' fame in Fort Worth, specifically through the proclamation of the gospel and the witness of diverse Christian community.


Sent :: Darcie Nicholson


How Jesus Changed Me :: Brian