“There is none holy like the LORD: for there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God.” - 1 Samuel 2:2

Attempting to visually represent God or attributes of God feels a bit like a fool’s errand, especially when you are communicating something like holiness. Holiness by definition means “set apart” or “separate from,” so how do you describe something unlike anything we can imagine. It’s pure and undefiled, it’s not perfect in way of standards, it is the standard itself, in form and function, more than position, or power, or character, it’s all of it and yet it defines it. Holy. There is no one like our God. Yet, he calls us and makes us holy…like him.

Often when I am thinking or praying through art direction for a project the Lord will give me a glimpse of something. Sometimes it’s the whole thing, and sometimes it’s the subject, and sometime’s it’s just a scene or a specific feeling of something. When we decided this series would just be called, “Holy,” I got a vision of a single sphere of water, untouched. Not a drip of water from another source, but a self-sustained body of water hovering in the air. I quickly mocked it up and it sat for two months, untouched. I couldn’t make it past that initial vision. Then one day I was talking with Jim about how I felt a little stuck in the process, and he mentioned this imagery he had seen of two circles being used to describe the difference and separation between God and creation. Thinking back to the sphere of water I had made two months prior I knew what was missing! To convey God’s holiness, we need to see God clearly, and we need to see us clearly. We need to see how God is set apart from us and see his relationship to us “made in his image.”



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Liturgical Elements


Shades of Spheres