2013 :: A Year in Review (Part 1)

madewithover-5Towards the end of a calendar year it's fun to look back at the previous year and recap what God has done. This post will look back at 2013: The top sermons downloaded, blogs read, and point you to stories and images showing what God has done in and through The Paradox in 2013.Top Ten Sermons of 20131. Justification :: "Saved"2. Election :: "Saved"3. Broken People & Great Works :: "Nehemiah: A Glorious Ruin"4. Diversion & Deception :: "Nehemiah: A Glorious Ruin"5. Dry Seasons & Bad Endings :: "Nehemiah: A Glorious Ruin"6.  Spiritual Paralysis & the Forgiveness of Sins :: "The Good King"7.  His Fight & Our Fight :: "Nehemiah: A Glorious Ruin"8.  Confidence for the Fearful & Anxious :: "Psalms"9.  His Work & Our Works :: "Nehemiah: A Glorious Ruin"10.  Legacy & His Presence :: "Nehemiah: A Glorious Ruin"Find all of these sermons online, on our iPhone app, and on iTunes.Top Ten Blogs of 20131. A Call to TCU Men :: Deacon Matt Allen2. Before Galaxies Stood Forth He Knew You :: Pastor Jim Essian3. In the Waiting :: Heather Essian4. The New Motherhood :: Heather Thompson5. A Father to the Fatherless :: Deacon Matt Allen6. Seeking Change and Understanding Selfishness :: Nick Dean7. Fishing: Examining Our Call :: City Group Leader Justin Pruitt8. Deep and Diverse Community Will Not Happen :: Pastor Ryan Keeney9. The Spirit in Motion :: Nick Dean10. I Am the Leper :: Jacob FullerFind all of these blogs and more on The Paradox Blog hereLife At The ParadoxIn 2013 we began using the hashtag "#LifeAtTheParadox" on Instagram to help document the life of our church. Below is a collage of images that people have tagged. To find more photos like these search for the hashtag "#LifeAtTheParadox" on Instagram. Follow The Paradox on Instagram: @paradoxftworth. Use the tag any time you post photos of your City Group, Discipleship Group, Sunday morning gatherings, or any other time you are with people from The Paradox.

photo-28Find out Pastor Jim's favorite books of 2013 here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Look for "2013 :: A Year in Review (Part 2) soon.


2013 :: A Year in Review (Part 2)


Top Ten :: Dessert Books of 2013