2013 :: A Year in Review (Part 2)

madewithover-5Towards the end of a calendar year it’s fun to look back at the previous year and recap what God has done. This is part 2 of a post that will look back at 2013: The top sermons downloaded, blogs read, and point you to stories and images showing what God has done in and through The Paradox in 2013. Find part one of this blog here.Stories of The ParadoxRead stories of God's grace to The Paradox in 2013 below. If you would like to write a story of what God has done in your life contact Nick Dean at "nick.f.dean@gmail.com".1. Stories :: Baptisms May 2013 :: Stories of those baptized in May of 2013.2. How Jesus Changed Us :: God's Work at TCU :: Stories of grace to our TCU students.3. How Jesus Changed Me :: Brian :: Brian McDermott's story.4. Baptism Stories :: Jessica :: Jess Gunter's story.5. Beautiful Brokenness :: Anna Guillory's story of joining a City Group.City Renewal and International MissionsRead stories below of God's work in city renewal and international missions through people of The Paradox in 2013. To learn more about city renewal through The Paradox contact Sarah Adams at "sarah@thenetfw.com". To learn more about international missions at The Paradox contact Justin Pearson at "bigjp33@yahoo.com".1.Serve Moore :: The story of disaster relief in Moore, Oklahoma.2. Sent: Rachel L'Antigua :: Rachel L'Antigua's story is missions in India.3. Q&A: Shelly Lee, Fort Worth Pregnancy Center :: Learn about the FWPC.4. Q&A: Justin Pearson on International Missions :: Justin Pearson talks about missions.5. Q&A: Sarah Adams on Serving the City’s Poor :: Sarah Adams talks about city renewal.6. Sent: Darcie Nicholson :: Darcie Nicholson shares information about the World Race.7. International Missions: Uganda :: Julie Pearson shares stories of medical mission.8. With Man it is Impossible :: Julie Pearson shares more stories from Uganda.9. September in Nicaragua :: Darcie Nicholson shares stories from the World Race.10. Adoption and Baptisms in Uganda :: Julie Pearson shares more stories from Uganda.Sermon ResponsesIn 2013 we asked people to write blogs in response to sermons preached at The Paradox. If you would like to write a sermon response blog contact Nick Dean at "nick.f.dean@gmail.com".1. Do You Believe What God Says About You? :: Tara Madrigal2. He Loves Me Despite Me :: Jalea Starnes3. Finding and Choosing Light :: Nick Dean4. Stone to Flesh: A Journey of Heart Change :: City Group Leader Josh Kercho5. In The Wilderness :: Nick DeanParadox BaptismsWe held two baptisms services in 2013. One was held as an outdoor service at the Trinity Park Pavilion, and the other at the Van Cliburn. For our baptism services we ask people to use the hashtag #ParadoxBaptisms to help us capture the event. Below is a collage of images that people took throughout our baptism services in 2013. Follow The Paradox on Instagram: @ParadoxFtWorth.


The Paradox at FCCThe Paradox was unable to use the Van Cliburn for multiple Sundays in a row during the summer of 2013 due to the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. On three of the Sundays of the competition we gathered at First Christian Church in downtown Fort Worth. People used the hashtag #ParadoxFCC on Instagram to help us capture our time there.


Find out Pastor Jim’s favorite books of 2013 here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


The Paradox Turns Three on Sunday!


2013 :: A Year in Review (Part 1)