Baptisms - June 2012

This Sunday we will baptize nine people that Jesus has redeemed. Their story has been caught up in the Great Story - the Gospel.South Cole"I started seeing my idols for what they were -- not just small innocent desires, but "cosmic treason" against the creator of the universe! Now, I can confidently and even triumphantly say that life may still be painful and hard, but it doesn't have to be sad. My hope is in Jesus - not myself to control, not in others to fix. But in Jesus to be who he says he is and who he proves himself to be."Mary Cole“Seeing my sin for what it was made me sure of my need for a Savior and so thankful for his grace. In this light I’ve been able to confess sin openly, walk through pain and rejoice because of God’s love and goodness. In Him I have true acceptance and approval – not because of my own works but because I’ve been given righteousness and new life through Jesus’s death.”CJ Davis"I heard a sermon at The Paradox a few weeks ago and my life was changed. It opened my eyes fully to the Gospel."Katie Dalton"The Lord led me to The Paradox and I am eternally thankful. Right away I started going to City Group and found what community is supposed to feel like. Never before had I felt Jesus move in my heart and I finally grasped that there is nothing I can or can not do for Jesus to accept me. He paid the price for me and lived a perfect life so I wouldn't have to strive for that perfect mark."Lauren Vaughn"Looking back I see how He has continued to pursue my entire heart, even in my disbelief. Yet I was blind then to His goodness. I know now that God wasn't seated on this throne looking down on us in our miseries. He became flesh, He became man, Jesus came and entered into this brokenness to redeem us." 

"Looking back I see how He has continued to pursue my entire heart, even in my disbelief."

 Brent Mowery“Jesus is flooding our lives with his grace and peace as we repent from the sin we hold. Jesus is exposing idols. He is showing us the bondage of the things we worship which are acceptance and comfort. The Holy Spirit is empowering us to walk in the light. No more hiding. Freedom. No more carrying the heavy burden of sin. Repentance. Worship. Jesus has done for me what I could not do for myself!”Taylor Van WinkleThe transition from a “worldly” woman to a godly woman was even harder than I thought. The Lord has completely turned my life upside down and on occasion had me pouring out my heart in tears and questioning if I could do this, if I could put my life in his hands. But “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Blake Panzino“I knew I was a sinner and saw myself as unworthy of his grace. I didn't have a clear definition of what grace was but I knew there was no way he would claim me. How could God ever lovingly accept someone that is clearly spiraling out of control? I didn't know that in spite of my filth he loved me and would pursue me.” Nataly Garcia"I ended up at The Paradox in March of last year and this time, God wasn't going to let me just hide in the background, oh no. God was redeeming my entire story. He was, by the power of the Holy Spirit, introducing me to Jesus, my redeemer. For the first time, I saw Jesus as enough." 

"For the first time, I saw Jesus as enough"

 Join us this Sunday to celebrate. Below is a video from last year's baptisms.Stories - Baptism :: 2011 from The Paradox Church on Vimeo.


Images - Baptisms June/2012


How Jesus Changed Me - Lacey