C3 Denton :: God Has Been Faithful

Dear Paradox Church,About 4 years ago I set out with my wife to start a church in the heart of Denton, Texas. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to do that in July when it was 137 degrees…and while wifey was great with child and running the children’s ministry. (For the record, don’t do this.) But we did it, and God somehow managed to bless it. To risk over extending a metaphor, and offending those dear souls who have been through the pain of actual childbirth: as my wife was giving birth to our 4th child, we were beginning the joyful yet painful process of giving birth to our first church. What popped out was Christ Community Church of Denton (C3).We love our baby, but I want you to know that this is your baby too. For your encouragement, I want to share a few things that God is doing in Denton.Simply put, God has been faithful.To set out to plant a church is to set out to plant the Gospel, which is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). The short history of C3 is a testimony to that very power.God has been faithful to save many.In planting C3, our first desire was and always will be to see people meet Jesus. We were not interested in competing with other churches for numbers, but in contending with the Devil by pushing back the darkness through the preaching of the Good News. Through this, God has brought many sons and daughters to glory.Dozens have been saved, baptized, and enteredthe path of discipleship.God has been faithful to change lives.Not only is God bringing fresh souls into His Kingdom; He is refreshing old ones. Many are tasting the sweetness of the Jesus they had always known and loved, but had been missing for years. Because of this, God’s beloved are moving from consumers who take to disciples who give their lives away. God is building a church of passionate, Gospel preaching, disciple making disciples with a vision for loving one another and the city. The beauty of Jesus is being put on display to the heart of Denton, and the power of the Gospel is propelling it all.God has been faithful to provide for us.All of this has happened with the help of those outside C3. We started with no people and no money, so from the very beginning we have had to trust that God was going to provide. And He has. God has raised up churches like Paradox to partner with C3 in proclaiming the Gospel. In a very real and tangible way, our success is because of you. Over one hundred people know Jesus and are walking with Him because you honor God with your money, and your leaders invest it in His work. You can rejoice in the fact that God is using you beyond your own borders to expand His Kingdom.In addition to financial resources, God is bringing human resources. Godly, qualified leaders are captivated by His vision for Denton and raising their own support to commit their lives to the work of C3. Beyond that we have the opportunity to plant two churches in the next year. One man is moving his family to Denton to plant out of C3; another is strongly considering it. We set out to plant the Gospel in Denton. It is happening in more ways than we could have ever imagined.Again, none of this would be happening without you.Conclusion: In RealityWe haven’t really given birth to C3, and neither have you. God has done it through HIS power in us, through us, and in spite of us. For our part, we have learned more than anything that our inadequacies are no match for the power of the Gospel. He keeps saving people, changing people, and providing for what He called us to do. C3, Paradox, and any other church that loves Jesus is driven by a God who loves His people and the lost more than we can even begin to imagine. It is a love that cost Him the life of His Son, and a love empowered by His Holy Spirit.It is this reality that captivates my heart and gives me sustenance to carry on boldly. Know that I am praying the same thing for you. With Paul,I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. – Ephesians 3:14-19Your co-laborers in the Gospel,Ross Appleton and C3 DentonC3 Baptism Service :: November 11, 2012C3 Baptism Service :: September 19, 2010On Sunday, we will talk about Church Planting and International Missions. As well, we will be taking up a special offering (something we have never done) to support these missionary efforts.Please be in prayer about how much you should give, over and above your normal giving, toward these sending efforts. Also, please be in prayer about whether or not God might be sending you: Either as a church planter or part of a church planting team; as a missionary in Fort Worth to international students and refugees; or as an international missionary to an unreached people group or particular nation.Find Part 1 of the "Sent" blog series here.


Restore Church :: Growth & the Glory of God


The Church Is Sent And Sends