Restore Church :: Growth & the Glory of God

Below is a letter written to The Paradox Church from Pastor Mike Hanafee, Lead Pastor of Restore Church in Detroit, Michigan.Sometimes creeping forward and sometimes leaping forward, we have seen God grow His church in central Detroit in amazing ways this last year. Easter 2012 we launched weekly worship services. All summer we worshiped at the site where the 1967 riots started. We had the joy of baptizing some new believers in a horse trough right on 12th Street!In the early fall we purchased a closed Post Office and began worshiping upstairs. Due to running out of space we are now meeting on the first floor as we begin renovation of our facility. Our Dgroups have multiplied from two to four, with two more scheduled to launch in the fall. In addition, we are launching a first Dgroup outside of the city, which may ultimately serve as a core team for a church plant. We would love to be an innercity church that plants a suburban church. Only God can getthe glory for that! And you will have played a role in this!This summer we are starting a Saturday morning Children's Program at The PO (art, music, sports, Bible teaching) and a teen Friday ministry at the building as well. Many young adults with a fire in their belly have joined our mission of showing & telling Jesus in the 48202/206 in order to make disciple making disciples. Some of these men will plant churches inside Detroit. I'm humbled by all the God is doing, and staggered by the many stories of transformation He is writing, all because of 100 proof grace. We are deeply thankful for your support, Paradox Church. Your hand is on the plow in Detroit with us! Watch a video below of the history of Restore Church.On Sunday, we will talk about Church Planting and International Missions. As well, we will be taking up a special offering (something we have never done) to support these missionary efforts.Please be in prayer about how much you should give, over and above your normal giving, toward these sending efforts. Also, please be in prayer about whether or not God might be sending you: Either as a church planter or part of a church planting team; as a missionary in Fort Worth to international students and refugees; or as an international missionary to an unreached people group or particular nation.Find the first two posts of the "Sent" blog series here.


Church Planting :: Roundtable Discussion


C3 Denton :: God Has Been Faithful