Church Planting :: Roundtable Discussion

The Paradox Church is a part of the Acts 29 Network—a network of churches committed to planting new churches all around the world. At The Paradox, we have committed to giving financially to help support new churches and have given $60,000 since we started a couple of years ago, we are committed to coaching and assessing church planters, and we are committed to sending out church planters from among our Body. We wanted to introduce you to some of the men God has called to our church and to church planting.1. Why do you want to plant a church?Matt Walker"I've had this desire for years, and have felt led by God to plant. I never quite had clarity as to when until recently, and I'm ready to see the gospel reclaim, restore, and redeem the people and the city that I'm called to."Jeff Green"For several years now I have had several mentors/leaders in my life who have called me to plant churches. My response is not to please man but obedience to a consistent calling God has spoken to me through multiple men in my life.More so than my calling, I believe we need church plants. I do not believe we simply need more churches. We actually should probably have less church buildings (not out of space but out of good stewardship with our resources). What Fort Worth needs, what Texas needs, what the world needs, what you and I need, is more people proclaiming the true gospel: the finished work of God through Jesus on the cross to redeem us from our sin and bring us back into his righteousness. Unfortunately this is not happening in all of the churches today, which is why I believe God is calling up leaders to plant churches. More specifically, I believe God is calling his people to raise up other leaders to raise up leaders, to proclaim the gospel."Preston Chastine"I want to plant a church so God can use me to reach people for His name, glory and fame.  It's all about Him.  I have a big entrepreneur passion as well and I believe God can use that in church planting."Josh Brown"I desire to plant a church because I believe that God has called me and given me a passion to see lives truly changed to truly love Him. I see the local church as God’s primary tool for His kingdom expansion."2. What brought you to The Paradox?Matt Walker"It's funny looking back on it. I had recently stepped down as the University Minister at a very large church here in the metroplex (I'll leave the name out), and I was looking for a church that was more passionate about seeing the gospel transform people than throwing "seeker" events by giving away flat screen T.V.'s. I was tired of the Bible Belt American Christian version of the Scriptures. The more I read guys like Ravi Zacharias and John Piper and listened to guys like Matt Chandler and Mark Driscoll, I realized that I needed a church that was ready to "bleed out" for the sake of the gospel."Jeff Green"My wife (Bailey) and I moved to Fort Worth June 1, 2012 for me to pursue seminary. As soon as we were here we began visiting churches. We knew we wanted to visit at least one Acts 29 church because of the fruit and joy Bailey experienced while part of an Acts 29 church in College Station while she was a student at Texas A&M. After we had visited several churches we had made our decision, and it wasn't The Paradox. We began to pursue involvement in a community group at a different church (who preaches the Bible and proclaims God) but we were given a clear message that it is not where we were to be. A few months later we found ourselves in the Partnership Class."Preston Chastine"We are at The Paradox because it is a church plant, the worship, the overall feel, the clear mission, how Gospel-centered it is, their convictions, and the people."Josh Brown"I did a church planting evaluation for my church planting class on The Paradox. That Sunday was actually seminary week where I learned all about the church. I found that my views of how God’s church should function lined up so much with The Paradox. Then my wife and I prayed because we knew that we needed experience at a church plant and knew that The Paradox was a church with a vision to plant other churches."3. What is the biggest challenge you face going forward?Matt Walker"The biggest challenge I have right now is patience. The patience to allow our pastors to pour into me. The patience to allow for my marriage to become stronger before planting because planting is so hard on a family The patience to just wait because I was ready to plant yesterday. But, I trust that our leadership loves Beth (my wife) and I so much as to not let us take off too soon."Jeff Green"My biggest challenge will most likely be myself. I easily and too often take tasks and somehow make gospel work about myself and begin controlling the situation to produce results I see best fit instead of trusting in the power and ability of the gospel of Jesus Christ! I have said it several times (more to myself than anyone else); I believe God is going to plant a church in Southwest Fort Worth in the coming years and I think he has called me to be a part of it, I simply need to get out of the way and watch him work out his perfect plan."Preston Chastine"Striving for comfort over where God calls us to plant. "Josh Brown"My biggest challenge that I face going forward is proper preparation. What I mean by preparation is that my wife and I would be spiritual, mentally, and physically prepared for this great challenge that is ahead of us."4. Do you know where God has called you to plant?Matt Walker"Yes. Corpus Christi, TX"Jeff Green"Somewhere in the Southwest Fort Worth/Benbrook/City View/20 & 820 area."Preston Chastine"No, but we have felt a pull more towards the West/Southwest area or East Coast."Josh Brown"I believe that God has called me to plant somewhere in the Northeast of the U.S. where there is approximately 82% of the population that are lost. We are still praying for a clear call to which city God desires for us to go to."5. What do you think your timeline is?Matt Walker" Well, I'd like it to be one year, but I think it may end up being two."Jeff Green"2015-2016"Preston Chastine" It is probably 3 to 4 years"Josh Brown"I have roughly 2.5 years of school left; so hopefully after I graduate God will have solidified my call."6. How can The Paradox be praying for you?Matt Walker"The Paradox can pray for my patience, for my marriage to grow even stronger, that God would continually equip me for the work that he's called me to, and that the Spirit would constantly point Beth and I back to the gospel."Jeff Green"2 things (actually a lot more, but here are two):First, vision. I know what God has called me to right now, and I see where he is taking me, but I struggle pursuing, seeing and casting the vision for what the coming plan.Second, preparation. I see need for many areas of growth, but specifically in vision casting, listening and patience."Preston Chastine"Be praying for my marriage, where to plant, endurance in preparation for the ministry, leading the University West City Group, and my wife, Stephany."Josh Brown"Pray that God gives me clarity as to where he is calling us too. Also pray for God to continue to prepare us for this great task. Also that God would bring a team together with a clear burden and call from the Lord." On Sunday, we will talk about Church Planting and International Missions. As well, we will be taking up a special offering (something we have never done) to support these missionary efforts.Please be in prayer about how much you should give, over and above your normal giving, toward these sending efforts. Also, please be in prayer about whether or not God might be sending you: Either as a church planter or part of a church planting team; as a missionary in Fort Worth to international students and refugees; or as an international missionary to an unreached people group or particular nation.Find the first three posts of the “Sent” blog series here. 


International Missions :: Uganda


Restore Church :: Growth & the Glory of God