Deep and Diverse Community Will Not Happen

By Pastor Ryan KeeneyBiblical Living Pastor Deep and diverse community will not happen if we love ourselves.We love ourselves. We are the elitist guy that we don't like. We are judgmental and self-righteous over and against others. We like our preferences, style, and the sub-culture we relate to. Other styles, music genres, sub-cultures are dumb and we are cool. In an effort for significance we rally around something we enjoy and look down our noses at those that might enjoy another stream. We insulate ourselves with a community of like-minded and mirroring images. And then with a mob mentality we make snide remarks, we laugh at others choices, and we judge where we have chosen a "better" life in our own eyes. A person is right in his own eyes. But what do the eyes of Jesus see? He sees a disjointed and warring Bride.The church is diverse. People are different. And it is beautiful!Your identity is not your glasses, your tattoos, your polo shirt, your inside track on the hip new artist. Your identity – nay – OUR identity is the family of God. Through the death of his Son promoted by those who hated him because of what he said, how he ministered, and who he hung out with (sound familiar?) we have been made one. He was mocked, looked down upon, and judged yet He asked for their forgiveness. And through his blood shed he has broken down the wall of hostility between us (Ephesians 2-3).Even with our current predominantly Caucasian church body there are people who are annoyed with or think they are better than other groups. This should not be named among us. We should love all people because they are made in the image of our great God. They have value and dignity. And those who have been saved by Christ are collectively the body of Christ. The feet are not better than the eyes. The arms don't look down on the ears. Members of the body appreciate and love it's other members as we look to our head, Jesus. There are many people in our body that have been formed by the gospel in this fashion. And it is a sight to see. From what Jesus is doing in race relations on the Eastside to His hand in socio-economics downtown, to other groups in different life stages and age.But still, honestly, I have a difficult time praying for racial, age, and socio-economic diversity when two white people in the same age and relatively same income bracket dislike one another because of clothing or movie genre preference or taste in food. I almost don't want to add more people to this mix because they will be snobbed, overlooked, or feel less than.My hope is that you would enjoy the gifts God has given you. Worship Him. Not your stuff, alienating others that don't mirror you. Praise God everyone is not like you. To get real specific those that love indie rock please love and be cool with your brother that enjoys alternative mainstream rock (Nickelback). Those that have tattoos or are more alternative in their lifestyle please love your sister that attends TCU and is in a sorority. Those that grew up playing sports please love your brothers and sisters that enjoy musicals. Those that have an unrefined palette (like me) please love your brother that eats differently than you. The statements of "I can't believe they would eat, watch, listen to, wear, hang out there" need to be trampled out. And imposing labels put people into a category that is sophomoric and divisive. Because of Jesus' love for us and his sacrificial death let us grow up in the maturity of the manhood of Christ and lay down our preferences and sacrifice ourselves for the inclusion, discipleship, and good of our family.We were rightful enemies of God and rightly so but, in His mercy he came to us and made us His family. Turn from your judgmental spirit and self-righteousness and turn toward the grace of our good Father. Love, bleed for, and pour out for your family. Read Part Two Here


Q&A: Shelly Lee, Fort Worth Pregnancy Center


Redemption Groups: Fall 2013