Q&A: Shelly Lee, Fort Worth Pregnancy Center

Q: What will the partnership with The Paradox Church look like? 

A Partnership for Life is a very exciting and vibrant relationship that benefits the Church, the pregnancy center, and the community, all for the glory of the Lord.The Fort Worth Pregnancy Center is an arm of the Church, reaching out to provide educational resources, pregnancy support and Life-affirming options to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.  We are here to help The Paradox minister to any who come seeking assistance in this area.Additionally, we are here to provide you with opportunities to serve.  Has the Lord placed a burden on your heart for the unborn? Contact us.  Do you long for healing from an abortion in your past?  We can help you with that.  Is there a family in need of counsel and direction?  We are here for you!How do interested volunteers get involved?

A Volunteer can help in many ways.Client Advocate – Godly men and women are trained to serve as lay-counselors in the Center.  Options counseling includes providing information about all choices; abortion, adoption and parenting.  Additionally, being equipped and available to present the gospel message as the Lord leads.  This is front-line serving, and requires a commitment of at least 4 hours/week.Nurse Volunteer – We provide free pregnancy testing, obstetrical ultrasound imaging and medical education about growth and development, STD prevention and treatment and more.  Volunteer nurses and sonographers are needed to help us deliver much needed information and services.Administrative help – Some supportive acts of service include helping with mail-outs, filing, organizing supplies, laundering gently used baby and maternity clothes, cleaning, etc.Baby Shower – many times a client is considering abortion because of financial concerns.  A City-Group sponsored baby shower can make all the difference for a young lady facing an unexpected pregnancy.City Group Work Day – We have windows to be washed, a flower bed to weed, touch-up painting, furniture to dust. Bring your group out on a Saturday morning, learn more about the ministry, participate in a prayer walk and roll up your sleeves for a couple hours of fellowship and service!How long has the FWPC been in Fort Worth?The Fort Worth Pregnancy Center was the result of a group of caring believers who realized there was a need in our city back in 1994.  Through financial support of Travis Avenue Baptist Church, this small committee became the original Board of Directors.  The doors opened in 1996, serving 40 young ladies that first year.  Currently we see an average of 160 visits/month.The vision for increased outreach to those in need has caused us to search for new and bigger ways to reach out for the unborn in our city.  October will finally see the fruits of that vision, as we launch our Mobile Ultrasound Ministry!   We are purchasing a 31-foot RV equipped with an exam table and ultrasound unit.  We will be going out beyond the borders of our physical location, parking in the path of women considering abortion, offering all the services of the pregnancy center off-site in the community!  The unit is called ICU Mobile Fort Worth and is an exciting new venture in Pro-life ministries across the nation!

What is your role at the center?

As the Executive Director, I oversee the Operations of the Center.  I serve with a wonderful team of called Christ-followers who are called and equipped for ministering in this Life-Affirming ministry.  We have a Client Services Director who is responsible for all the client programs and training of the Volunteer Advocates.  Our Nurse Manager has been trained in Obstetrical Sonography, and will be sharing her time between the Center and the Mobile Unit.  Through the skills and knowledge of our Development Director we have created marketing and advertising that is reaching women and saving babies.  Perhaps you’ve noticed our billboards – “Free Abortion Alternatives” – that’s your Center!

What do you think the City of Forth Worth is in need of and how does the center help with that? 
If a woman has it in her mind that abortion is her only option, we want to help her to find the resources to choose life.  Once she chooses life, however, she needs ongoing support.  Much like a new believer needs to get connected to resources and additional help to move forward in their decision for eternal life.
I long to see Fort Worth embracing a 'Culture for Life!'  Wouldn’t it be awesome if we were known as a city that values life?  I dream of a partnership of churches and agencies that will provide free prenatal clinics, educational opportunities and job training.  A place where every life is valued and respected, and cherished!  We provide some of that here at our Center, but there are so many more to be reached.Anything else you would like to share?Our annual fundraiser event The Starlight Ball is Friday October 4th at the Fort Worth Club.  This year we have comedian Michael Jr. coming to offer humorous entertainment.  We will also have the Commissioning Ceremony for the ICU Mobile Unit.  We would love to have a table-full of Paradox friends present to help us celebrate what the Lord has done and is going to do in our city!  Log on towww.fwpcfriends.org for more information.

Fort Worth Pregnancy Center 2013 from The Paradox Church on Vimeo.


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