Deep & Diverse Community - Congregational Prayer (August)

On the first Sunday of each month we pray, as a family, for a particular aspect of the mission that God has called us to and for the people God is forming us into, by His grace. Then, throughout the month we commit to continual prayer on that particular topic. This month our prayer is for Deep & Diverse Community.Deep Community, Diverse CommunityOur prayer is for the Spirit of God to form us into a deep and diverse community. We pray we would be a people that love God and love others deeply through:

Radical covenant love for one another: One that reflects the steadfast love of God where gospel-relationships are not based on affinities but on Jesus, who makes us one. Because we have been made a family, we pray we would live and act as a family.

Authentic, gritty, raw community: Where we passionately pursue one another, sacrificially live out the "one-anothers" of Scripture, and intentionally disciple one another in everyday life.

Image what worship around the throne will look like: Jesus' Bride is made up of all languages and races, humbly bowing and praising God together. We pray that we would be a church body that consists of old and young; black and white; rich and poor; tattooed and starched; with piercings and parted hair. That we would be a diverse body where others take notice of our love for another because it is counter-cultural and amazingly beautiful—even if its messy.

God's objective from the beginning was to create for a Himself a people—a Bride. Though God does save individuals and makes us his children (1 Jn 3:1-2), saving us from sin, He also saves us to a Family. He makes us “one” (Eph 2:15). As a family we practice the “one-anothers” in Scripture as we “love one another” reflecting the radical love of God. Growth occurs through authentic, gritty, raw community (Pr 27:17).  We meet regularly in homes and throughout the city celebrating life with good food and good laughs, stirring one another up to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24).  We pray together, struggle together, and party together. Through grace and love and truth the Gospel is made known and a beautiful mess of a family is formed.Please begin to pray for these things now and that God would move mightily through our prayers to bring about these things in a way that blows us away.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. —Ephesians 3:20-21

View our congregational prayer for July, Gospel Renewal in Fort WorthDownload this month's prayer wallpaper for your desktop or phone 


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