International Missions: September in Nicaragua

By Darcie NicholsonSimply put: He is beyond good and I'm having a blast!How is your team?The aspect that I told y'all I was most worried about. Guess what? It has probably been the biggest blessing of our mission so far. Our Author handpicked these six girls. The team has been getting along well. We let the good times nourish us while allowing conflict to propel us toward learning and righteousness. There are girls whom I naturally click with and ones that I don't, but we're learning the big and little rhythms of loving and preferring one another. Our teams may change over the course of this journey, but I'd be happy to spend 11 months with this group.Most teams can't say that right now, and I'm super thankful for my circumstances.It's been awesome to see how ministries have different tactics, patterns, hearts and goals. Where we're staying right now is super chill, all about living life with the street kids they take in. Every day my team navigates 90 minutes of Honduran bus routes to a national hospital to pray with people. I can't tell you how much the Lord has taught me through this ministry. Praying for random people in Spanish is my jam. I would have never said those words four weeks ago. What are you working on personally?This month I've really been trusted with the task of listening to God and acting on it. When He speaks, I find it's fun to be obedient because He's usually got something cool in mind. He does that. I am so glad that I can speak Spanish. It's been neat to communicate the Word of God, not just typical track verses but what He's actually speaking, to Hondurans. He's increasing my trust in His leading. We saw unanticipated fruit over the few weeks of going to the hospital. Little ones were unexpectedly released from NICU, relationships were strengthened, comas were broken, people we prayed with made the front page of the newspaper because of their miracle, and disciples were made.How is your travelling?I love the travel and everything is safe. Nothing has been stolen and I no real sicknesses No homesickness. I am completely happy. Central America is cultural and beautiful. I'm starting to get an itch for Asia. Fun news: found out last night that we'll have an 8-hour layover in LAX at the end of September on our way to The Philippines. If you could pray for a Chick-fil-A and a good wine bar in the airport, that'd be awesome.What has God taught you?I'm learning heaps: Trust, His capability, seeking, listening and spiritual gifts. His provision and plans. The word ‘plan’ almost seems like a curse word in my mind now because my plans are so near-sighted and His rock. Prayer is probably the biggest facet of spirituality I'm learning about because it  is just plain transformative. He's shown me that His name is the sweetest name to call on, even if there's a 22-year-old ex-sorority girl sitting right next to me that I'm convinced could solve every Darcie problem with a solid venting session. No. He cares more, listens like a champ, never ends the conversation, speaks, and ultimately answers. I've studied prayer in the past, not to mention done it my whole life, and this time around He's restoring freshness to it. It's sweet.Coolest story so far?First you need to know the backstory (pun semi-intended): Two Octobers ago I had spinal surgery to correct a painful slipped disc. My City Group at the time, Arlington Heights, walked through it with me. We don't know the cause of the herniation, but after corrective surgery, all was fine. I went to Spain as planned and have been pain free since.This weekend we had a 24-hour prayer/worship/fasting thing that our squad did. After all of our shifts, we ended the 24th hour all together. About 2 weeks ago I started feeling nerve pain again out of the blue. I didn't say anything, but didn't want this to be a crutch on the trip especially with semi-harsh traveling and sleeping conditions that would agitate it.In the last hour together, a group of friends gathered and prayed for healing over me. With hands laid on my disc and spinal cord, they went to battle for me with the strongest weapon we've been given. Mid-prayer, I felt who I thought was a teammate tap on my disc, symbolically pushing it into place. Toward the end of the prayer, I felt the Lord tell me, "Child, you're healed," and I believed it and proclaimed it in faith.The next day, my back was pretty tender. It was a different kind of pain, but there was still pain. I didn't know if I should have interpreted God telling me "Child, you're healed," as an internal thing, or a slow process thing, or if I just made that up in my head. I chose to trust His power instead of my doubt in what He was doing. Later that day, thinking the tapping gesture from the night before was sweet, I asked Markelle if it was her who nudged me. She said no, but she did feel my disc move into place. In that moment it became starkly clear that it was Jesus' hand I felt. His fingerprints are on my disc L3-L4. I was healed on the spot.I realized the pain I was in was the same pain I was in after my surgery. A tender, soft, broad hurt. Not sharp, pinpointed nerve pain. I didn't make up God's voice in my mind, He spoke and I was healed. My body was just getting used to what He had done. He moved, and now my human spine has to adjust. Healer with a capital H. Can I get an amen? He increased my faith by showing me this side of Him; a side I had never seen. I felt so loved, cared for and seen by Him.Man, God is cool and mighty. And His fingerprints are on my spine.What do you need us to pray for?I cannot explain how thankful I am for y'all. I know I am so supported by The Paradox. I feel your prayers and it's a cool thing. I feel so sent out by our body; y'all have my back and I know that well. Keep the prayers coming, and I'll be doing the same. The Paradox has been on my heart, big time. As I make my way from church to church, I just get so dang thankful that I have a church home that knows me, speaks my language, and shares my beliefs in a city I love.What’s next?Guys, it's going to be awesome! It’s Nicaragua, with a twist.  Usually our team gets a ministry contact where we'll stay and serve for the month. Everything's set up, we just find our way there and hop to it. Our team of seven got a little different assignment than any other team. We have an "ATL" month. Around here, ATL stands for Ask The Lord. We pray, we listen and then we execute. We have no plans, no contact and no places to stay. We have our packs and prayers. That could mean so many things! City to city? Camping on the coast? Couch surfing? All of the above. Whatever He says.I'm asking y'all to pray for Nicaragua, for our direction and for our discernment of His voice. This will also be a big time for our team relationally because we'll be all alone without other teams. You can also pray for me in this time when I'm healing, both body and soul.Prayers, love and best,DarcieDarcie Nicholson is currently on the World Race. Keep up with her journeys here.


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