Old Church, Old Message, New Eyes
By Pastor JimI’m exhausted and feel like I got hit with a mack truck. And a couple of dozen other Paradoxians, who volunteered so much of their time, probably feel the same way the day after our evening service launch at First Christian Church (FCC)—the oldest church in Fort Worth. Many were praying for us and many have asked how it went, in short—it was amazing.
For me, exhausted from preaching two morning services, everything changed when Matt (one of our worship leaders) called us to worship. He said, “It’s going to be loud, this building wasn’t made for live music, but it was made for worship.” I literally felt the tangible presence of the Spirit actually lead me into worship of our Good King Jesus. After the second song (Rock of Ages), and as Pastor Ryan was leading us in our time of corporate hospitality, I walked out into the hallway and wept.A Grown Man Cried TonightI don’t get excited. And I don’t cry over much unless it involves my daughters, but a wave of emotion came over me as I realized what God had done and was doing.You see, I didn’t think this evening service was that big of a deal. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of work and prayer went into launching the service: getting the facility ready, multiplying leaders and teams, procuring necessary equipment—all that we might be able to reach different groups of people in our city and more people for the glory of God. It was important, but in the end, it was just another service on aSunday at The Paradox Church for me.But then I realized it was more than that.Since I arrived in Fort Worth over seven years ago God has laid the people of Fort Worth heavy on my heart. And on a few occasions, He seemed to have placed a heavy burden and vision on me (and the rest of The Paradox in subsequent years) that he is renewing Fort Worth in the Gospel—that all types of Fort Worthians, all races, all ages, all backgrounds, all socio-economic statues, all peoples in Fort Worth will experience a renewing of the grace and glory of God.Last night we got a small picture of that.
Old Church, Old Message, New EyesAs we gathered in the oldest church in Fort Worth (FCC has been a congregation since 1855), and I stood to preach the same, old message of the Gospel, our prayer was that we would be surprised by grace—we were astounded.Much of the message was on the wrath of God—how we were saved from God. And the Spirit of God seemed to find favor with us and gave us new eyes to be utterly amazed and surprised by grace. We were saved from God, by God, and for God!The result was 257 people—black and white; young and old; the able and the lame; rich and poor—joyfully and passionately worship together in response that once we were blind but now we see, Jesus saved me! And then we closed singingHow Great Thou Art:"Then sings my soul, my Savior God to theeHow great thou art! How great thou art!”Yes, He is. And no one left that place unchanged. Together, we left amazed, and surprised by grace.