Welcome Our New Deacons :: February 2014 (Part 2)
A few Sundays ago we introduced six new deacons: Justin Pearson, Preston Chastine, Jeff Green, Sarah Adams, Frank Trivett, and Daniel Reynolds. In this second of two blog posts, we have asked the last three to share about their lives. They are a blessing to our body and serve it well. We want all of you to meet them and praise Jesus for raising up more servant-leaders in our church. Sarah Adams serves by helping our church work toward City Renewal. Frank Trivett serves on our deacon finance team. Daniel Reynolds serves by organizing and training our Sunday volunteer teams and connecting new people to our church.Find Part 1 of this blog series here.
Sarah Adams – Deacon of City RenewalI was born and raised in Houston, Texas and lived there until I moved to Fort Worth to attend TCU. I was raised in a home with God-loving parents, so I began walking with Jesus at a young age. I loved God and desired to serve Him, but I truly believed that being a Christian was about being perfect, and that being a "light" and example to others was all about good behavior. I began attending The Paradox during my second year at school after attending a couple of different churches and then studying abroad. While I was abroad, God began teaching me what it would look like to commit to a church body and calling me to The Paradox. After my first night at the then Magnolia City Group I knew The Paradox was where I needed to be, and so I became a partner a month later in September 2011. Through The Paradox and my City Group, God revealed to me the power of the Gospel in vulnerability and being known. He graciously revealed the sin in my heart and made me aware of my deep need for Him. I learned that Jesus knows me fully—there's no hiding from Him or fooling Him—and He called me and adopted me anyway.In the summer of 2012 I started working with my friend Melissa Ice on this crazy idea she had to start a non-profit that reaches the poor and vulnerable in Fort Worth through empowering the church to be in relationship with them. Since then we have been working hard to develop The Net into a sustainable resource for both the marginalized and the church-goer in our city to witness the power of the Gospel at work. I've always had an interest in "serving" and have gone on plenty of mission trips over the years. Through The Net I've learned that I can be a missionary right here in my own context, that there are vulnerable & marginalized people in my own city that Jesus cares for deeply and has called the church to serve and love.I currently serve The Paradox by connecting our people to avenues through which they can tangibly love and serve the city of Fort Worth. My goal is that God would be glorified in Fort Worth through the people of God displaying the Gospel through radical JUSTICE + MERCY. In MERCY we would be generous, full of grace, ready to offer one-way pursuit and sacrifice, not expecting anything in return. In JUSTICE we would be committed to defending and empowering the marginal, those with the least social and economic power. My hope is that The Paradox would be known by this radical justice for the oppressed and compassion for the poor that flows from our deep understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
Frank Trivett – Deacon of FinancesI was born in Columbus, GA, but raised in Birmingham, AL. I lived in a small suburb of Alabaster, AL from 4th grade to December 2012, when I moved to Fort Worth with my wife, Catie. My wonderful wife and I met in Birmingham and have been married since August 2011. I did not grow up in a Christian home, but that didn’t stop God from pursuing me and my family. I became a Christian at age 15 at a church summer camp. I developed a relationship with Jesus while in college. Recently God has shown me my need for His grace in everything. I am being daily reminded of His Gospel and its impact in my everyday life.Catie and I have been attending The Paradox Church since late January 2013. At first we didn’t feel that it was the place for us, but in one service the Holy Spirit confirmed in both of us that this is where He wanted us. This last year has been amazing! God has shown His faithfulness in a city where we knew no one and made us feel like we have always had family here. We became partners in April 2013, and since then we have been involved with three different City Groups: Tanglewood, Arlington Heights, and the one we now lead—Alamo Heights.As God has grown me, He has also grown my passion to serve and love others. A few years ago I felt God calling me to business administration with a church, and He has continued to equip me for this role through allowing me to work in finance for the last three years and management for the three years prior to that. As I serve as a deacon of finance, I am well aware of God’s controlling hand and I trust that what He has already begun here at The Paradox He will continue to do. I am grateful to be a part of the journey.
Daniel Reynolds – Deacon of Connection & Volunteer TeamsI was born into a great big family and raised in a couple of North Dallas suburbs. I am the middle child of five brothers, and from the womb my parents taught each of us about the love and grace of Jesus. So, by the grace of God, I have a 'boring' testimony. Jesus saved me at an early age and gave me parents and brothers who discipled, encouraged, and loved me well. Around the end of high school, Jesus placed a mentor in my life and the Spirit flourished my appetite for the Gospel and His grace by making clearer my sin in light of His holiness. By God's grace, it was at this point that I realized that being more like Jesus wasn't about being a better person, but about worshipping Jesus with everything I am. In August 2006 I went to Baylor University (Sic 'Em!) where I met my future wife, Kristen, on the very first day. From that day on, she has been one of the biggest means of grace from God in my life. We got married in June of 2010 and moved to Fort Worth in August 2011 so that I could attend seminary. My original plan was to go to another seminary in Louisville, but God's divine orchestration put that plan out of reach and put us in Fort Worth, which led us to The Paradox Church. Thank goodness I'm not in control. We became partners of The Paradox in the fall of 2011 and God hasn't stopped working in us since. It is not always easy when the Spirit of God is constantly at work in your heart, revealing idols and exposing sin. But Jesus has been our sustainer and our joy.I currently serve by overseeing several volunteer teams and connecting people at The Paradox. I get to love, shepherd, and coach volunteer leaders toward helping people in our church catch a vision to join in on the mission to make disciples by serving in various capacities. Because Jesus is a unique Servant King, every time we serve, we reflect the image of our Servant King and grow in becoming more like Him. It is because of this truth that I find great joy when I see various things, like people hold doors open and greet guests, make coffee, teach stories about Jesus to kids, or set up communion each week. I also have the great joy of leading the people of the Arlington Heights City Group. My hope and prayer is that all of our various avenues to serve the church are used by Jesus to shape our people and grow us in grace and humility.