Resources on Racial Reconciliation
Before the foundations of the earth, the Trinitarian Godhead (God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) was already in a diverse community with each other. God, out of His Love, created a diverse group of people who would reflect His glory, but sin distorted God’s original plan.
Our sin has caused us as people of different ethnicities to become selfish and view our ethnicity superior than those of different cultures, ethnicities, and skin color. We have turned inwardly and become hostile toward another. However, the Grace of God does not leave us left to fix this issue on our own. Jesus came to shatter the dividing wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:14)! Those who are in Christ can now fight for racial reconciliation because the blood of Christ reconciled us.
Our goal is that these sources will help you increase in your knowledge of God and lead you to worship Him in an even greater way. Here are some resources for this week:
Bloodlines by John Piper
Letters to a Birmingham Jail by Bryan Cloritts
United by Trillia J. Newbell
Racial Reconciliation and the Gospel
Owning Our Aversion to Diversity
Black and White and Red All Over: Racial Reconciliation and the Gospel in the Local Church