Rhythms Series - How Jesus Changed Us

Two weeks ago we finished our “Rhythms” series. The goal of the series was that we would learn how to see and worship God in all of life.The hope was that we would learn practical ways to worship Jesus through daily rhythms that we already practice: resting, listening, working, eating, celebrating,  blessing, story telling, and art and hobbying.By grace, Jesus gave us some great ways to practice these rhythms throughout the series, and our city group worshipped God because of it.ListeningTo practice listening, we spent the majority of our city group gathering time in prayer. We listened to God, repented of sin, and prayed for each other. We also took time to walk around the neighborhood and prayed for neighbors, the TCU campus, and the city of Fort Worth.EatingWe took communion as a family during city group for the week of eating. It was an amazing opportunity for us to remember the cross together, confess our sins, and worship Jesus.CelebratingFor our celebration night we threw a huge district part with the Tanglewood City Group. We got together with 60+ people at Trinity Park, grilled out, ate food, threw a Frisbee and played beanbags. We also had three different local artists from within the city group play live music while we hung out.BlessingThe city group gathering after the Sunday we spent on blessing was incredible. We spent time in discussion talking about how we have been blessed and therefore should bless others. Near the end of the night I told the city group of a need someone had within our family. College students, single 25 year olds, and young married couples sacrificed what they had: Twice the amount of the fairly large amount necessary to meet the need.Art & HobbyingOur city group is blessed to be the home of artists of many kinds: musicians, graphic designers, videographers, writers, and more.  We’ve seen the people of South University practice art and hobbying for the glory of God in several ways. The Sunday morning that we spent on the subject of art and hobbying Grady Spencer led worship.The following Saturday night he played an 11:00 show for 150+ at the Magnolia Motor Lounge with some guys thatled worship with him on Sunday. Tonight the girls of the group are holding a Pintrest-Craft-Night, while the guys hang out, talk music, eat pizza, and enjoy good beer.All of this has been more than cute little things we’ve done to follow along with a series: They’ve actually pointed us to Jesus. We’ve learned that Christ is sufficient in all of life. We’ve praised him after listening for his voice, worshipped him through remembering his cross, celebrated his grace, blessed others because he has blessed us, and imaged him as creators. As a family we love each other more because of what God has taught us through the Rhythms series, and most of all we've been given a greater love and worship of Jesus: King of all.Matt Allen is the deacon of Worship and Arts, and leads the South University City Group.You can find all of the sermons from the Rhythms Series here. 


Respond Conference


Redemption Group Psalms :: Amanda Bell