Stories :: Baptisms May 2013

This Sunday we will baptize 13 people that Jesus has redeemed. Their story has been caught up in the Great Story – the Gospel. Kyle Cotten"His grace has been the only constant in my life, even if I didn’t always know it. I am so thankful for the fact that His grace covers those times when my trust was apart from Him." Brittany Carroll"I began to realize that, I AM good enough for God, because of Jesus. Jesus changed my heart and my desires in a way I never thought was possible." Ava Horsburgh"I prayed, asked God to forgive me of my sins and give me a new heart. Since then, I have had joy, peace and confidence. Daily I still struggle with sin, but I know that Jesus is my savior and I want to follow Him." Becca Truderung"He is the only One I am supposed to depend on. Only He can give me peace, ease my fears, and comfort me when I’m sad, lonely, and confused. Only He is powerful enough to save me from hell and give my life meaning." Todd Piersall"God literally rescued me from this darkness. Through his grace and provision He led me into a community of believers that comforted me and boldly proclaimed the redemption tale of Jesus." 

"God literally rescued me from this darkness."

  Abbie Ruff"I have learned now that the end isn’t really the end, but the glorious beginning that is better than anything I will ever have on Earth, and that is my life with Jesus Christ." Brian McDermott"In Christ, I have been given freedom. Freedom from the exhausting search for approval. I have come to understand that his approval is all that I need. His acceptance is something that I will always have and something that I have always had. He chose me when he traded me His righteousness for my sin. It is because of this that I have been given new life - a new life in which I will forever proclaim God’s glory." Hannah Ambrose"God's bigger. He’s more powerful. He loves us so much, he sent his Son to die in our place, to wash us clean. He has adopted me as His daughter. He is my Father; there is nothing else I need." Frank Trivett"The peace of Christ came over me like a flood and the weight was lifted. See I had traded pleasing my Dad for pleasing my Heavenly Father instead of realizing his Love was not hinging on my works and my doings, but in trusting in Christ’s work and what he did on the Cross." 

"He chose me when he traded me His righteousness for my sin. It is because of this that I have been given new life – a new life in which I will forever proclaim God’s glory.”

  Connor Close"As Christ works in me more and more every day, I can see I have been blessed with more Joy and Peace that I could have ever attained on my own." Brook Fowler"I have begun to realize that God loves me not because I loved Him. My best effort to follow Him aren’t enough, instead He has lifted the burden of sin and given grace to me so that I am fully accepted by Him because of Jesus Christ." Anne Smith"I was overcome with an unimaginable peace. It was like the hurt was being nailed to the cross with Jesus. I realized that I had been trying to control everything. And in that moment, I realized that I had done nothing to earn or deserve His love but I was HIS!"Join us on Sunday. Below is a quick recap video from last year's baptisms.


Modesty or Heart Change?


Redemption Groups :: Week 8