Stories :: Baptisms October 2013
This Sunday we will baptize 9 people that Jesus has redeemed. Their story has been caught up in the Great Story – the Gospel.Stephanie Nolen"I finally realized that Jesus loved me so much – even though I am imperfect, sinful, and unworthy, that He took my sin on Himself to save me."Blake Barber"Where I used to have shame and guilt from my sin, God replaced them with joy and grace. "
Michael Walker"God showed and gave me everything that I could of ever asked for, reminding me of the truth about Jesus Christ and that my sins are forgiven. That my identity is not in what I have done or what I will do but in Him alone."Camille Cannariato"God is in complete control of my life and has turned the scars of fear and anxiety into reminder that there is someone out there who loves me so much that He died on the cross for my sinful acts so that I can one day be with him in heaven."Grady Spencer"He began to show me that I was put here to glorify and celebrate the life and death of Jesus Christ. He has shown me how amazing and bountiful His grace is."
Kristen Chevalier"There is so much joy and rest found in God's love-- His steadfast, unshakable, relentless pursuit of us in spite of us. It has taken years of God reshaping my heart to even begin to see God's commands as a grace for our greater joy instead of fun-sucking rules."Ty Bowden"I heard a sermon on grace and repentance, and it clicked for the first time. My relationship with Jesus started right then. Since then, there have been radical differences in my attitudes, relationships, and priorities."Sydney Dillard"This is why the gospel was such good news: He knew I couldn’t work out my salvation on my own, he knew I would fail and run to other idols so He sent me Jesus! I didn’t have to work off anything, I was already bought and paid for."Schaeffer Boggs"I now actually thinking of God as my 'Dad' and not just a really mean 'cosmic police officer'. This makes me feel happy, and makes me want to tell a lot of other people the Good News.”