Teach Us How To Pray

As God stirs us as a community to make a stronger commitment to consistent prayer, He has graciously shown me how I can grow in this area. Friends, after 17 years of walking with Him, our God is teaching me how to pray.  With much reluctance, I confess to you that my prayer life is often boring and unfocused, and if I may put it bluntly, well….it kind of stinks. Whatever unfavorable words I use to describe it, I know it is not the rich, passionate prayer life He intends.As I carve out 30 to 40 minutes to pray, why does every little creak in the room pull my attention? Why am I distracted by every flicker of light, every dancing shadow caused by the trees outside my window?  I can plant my gaze on the TV for over an hour, and yet, when it comes to meeting with the Lord of all creation, my mind wanders. Furthermore, if you are like me, you have come to find that your prayers look more like a laundry list.“Dear God, please give me this.  Please do this, and that, and this.  Oh…and this.  Amen.”So, how are we to pray? I invite you to walk with me as I explore Scriptures pertaining to the subject, in hopes that we will engage in more dynamic prayer, that we can pray more effectively for those who do not yet know Jesus, and that we grow in faith and love for the Lord our God.Acknowledge Your Relationship With GodAs you accept the call to pray, open the conversation by remembering where you stand with God. Because of Jesus, you have the privilege to address God as “Father.” Upon believing in Jesus Christ as Savior and trusting him for our righteousness, God adopts us as His own.  Yes, He is God Most High (Genesis 14:18-20).  Yes, He is the King of the Universe.  He is the Creator of the world (Genesis 1). But in Jesus’ teaching in Luke 11, he invites us to recognize our sonship (Galatians 3:26). At the onset, we can approach the throne of grace with confidence and claim our status as sons and daughters of God Most High by calling Him what He is to us:  Our Father.Acknowledge God’s CharacterNext, we take time to declare the glorious attributes of God and fondly remember His goodness to all creation.  We take this note from Nehemiah. In both chapters 1 and 9, Nehemiah exhibits model prayer for us. He is heartbroken at the devastated condition of Jerusalem.  Much like you and me, he yearned for the restoration of his beloved city and its people. Yet, before launching into his list of petitions, Nehemiah spends a significant amount of time proclaiming the truth of God’s character and recounting His good and miraculous deeds.We know that this is not for God’s benefit, but for our own. Ah, what sweetness to watch ourdoubts and worries and fears seem to retreat as we remember that God is powerful, sovereign, trustworthy, and ultimately good.Ask, Seek, Knock…and now for the asking.  With hearts filled with truth about God and ourselves, we are prepared to humbly petition Him for His favor, His healing, and His power.-Luke 11:9 tells us to: Ask God to act.  Ask because you know that nothing is beyond His capability. (Jeremiah 32:17)-Seek His face. Don’t just seek His blessings.  Seek Him. The Lord does not merely give you your portion.  The Lord, himself, is your portion. (Psalm 119:57-58)-Knock on the door.  Don’t be shy. God has already made Himself approachable through His son. Why not throw yourself against that door, while you’re at it…Pray Fervently & ConsistentlyAnd he said to them, “Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; and he will answer from within, ‘Do not bother me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed. I cannot get up and give you anything’? I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his impudence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.Luke 11:5-8, ESVIf the answers seem delayed by your own limited comprehension…keep praying.  We have already begun our prayer time by remembering God’s goodness and sovereignty.  This helps to protect us from doubt as we persistently intercede on behalf of a city in turmoil.Expect God to MoveGod hears the prayers of His people, and He will respond in power.  Of course, it is not always as we pictured, and the timing is often not to our liking. But surely, it is exactly as the King of the Universe would have it. He is the God who sees.  He is the God who hears.  He is the God who knows all.  Therefore, may we come to our Heavenly Father in faith, trusting that every detail of His plan is perfect.Please register your participation by emailing byname@theparadoxchurch.com Please include your name and the names of those you are praying for.You can download wallpaper for your phone or computer as a reminder to pray for them daily. Download hereFind this blog, and others at the By Name Blog.


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