Why Don't We Speak the Truth In Love?

On Sunday, Pastor Jake from CityView Church asked why we aren't lovingly speaking the truth to one another.
In response, I believe our culture is one of religious checklists, cowardice, and moral facades.We believe that our ability to speak is based upon our performance and 'current position' with God. If we are not doing well with our checklist, then how can we possibly speak truth to those who seemingly have it all together? (Truth: No one has it all together. We all need Jesus).We 'feel' distant from Jesus and thus inept to fulfill what the Spirit is calling us to. We are afraid to speak truth, because we do not dwell in truth. We are afraid of confessing our own sin because of the shame and condemnation that will come. So why would we press into another's life and push them to shame and condemnation? Pastor James Noriega of Mars Hill Church has said, "we don't have permission to be ashamed by our sin because Jesus took our shame upon Himself." There is no condemnation for those in Christ.Being shamed and not speaking the truth in love to a brother or sister is a gospel issue. We disbelieve that Jesus fully took our condemnation and filth upon Himself at the cross. We believe that our identity is what we have done or what has been done to us instead of who Jesus says we are because of his work. We are no longer dirty but the righteousness of God. We are no longer slaves but sons and daughters. We can speak with confidence because the Spirit is alive in us.As we rest in these truths, we can fully know and be known because our sin is not a reminder of how awful we are but of how good Jesus is. Confess and repent because Jesus has paid your ransom. As we do, we believe the truth of the gospel, which sets us free to worship Him. Hiding separates, but walking in the light brings life and communion. Truth crushes lies as it is heralded. As you walk in repentance let it inform how you should speak to one another.Speaking the truth in love to another is a grace pointing them:-to worship Jesus-to find their identity in Jesus-to trust Jesus as their Savior-to believe the glorious truth about God, revealed in JesusWe want this redemptive culture to be happening in all of our relationships. We have Fight Clubs at The Paradox specifically to cultivate this lifestyle. And we are having two training events to help.Come with your Fight Club to one of the events linked below.February 12th 9:30-11:15 http://bit.ly/y1Qa2oFebruary 19th 11:30-1:15 http://bit.ly/yt91J3
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:15-16 

Ryan Keeney is the Discipleship and Counseling Director at The Paradox. You can contact him here


New Season, New Series


Redemption Groups: My Perspective