New Season, New Series

I keep forgetting that The Paradox is only one-year old. Its been one heckuva year with quick changes and different seasons that seem to roll into each other.We start a new season and, with it, a new series. We will take about 30 or so weeks to walk through 1st Corinthians.  The Christians in Corinth had a number of practical questions for their founding pastor on how they should live now that the grace of the Gospel had transformed them.  Their questions included how they should relate with one another, with those outside the church, as well as questions about sex, marriage, singleness, and much more. Also, they were crazy.They were suing each other, getting drunk off communion wine, and one dude was sleeping with his step-mother. So they had questions and Paul gives them answers.As a church – a new, young one at that – we must  be asking these questions as well. We believe that the Church is a family sent by God to carry out His mission – of proclaiming His glory and grace – to the city we have been sent to. Thus, how we relate to one another and those outside the church, and how we live as a city within the city displaying God’s glory and grace, is determinant upon how the Scriptures answer these questions.The book will be broken down into mini-series:- The Christ-Centered Church- The Resurrection- Sex, Singleness, and Marriage- For Love and Freedom- Spiritual GiftsWe will spend eight weeks on the topic of sex, singleness, and marriage including having Q&A sessions at the end of the sermons. Because of our culture and our average age, those topics are vitally important to address if we are to be faithful to what God has called us to.My hope is that - at the end - Jesus will be more glorified in our church and our city.For His Fame,Pastor JimDownload the 1st Corinthians Study Guide


Redemption Groups - Intensive


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