Baptisms - September 2012

This Sunday we will baptize 14 people who have been saved, restored, and redeemed by Jesus. Their story has been caught up in the Great Story - the Gospel. Paige Montgomery"God's timing is absolutely perfect and he led me to a place of peace, hope, and complete dependence of Him. He absolutely rocked my world in an unbelievable way and continues to show me that only He is perfect. This world is His and not mine."Ryan Montgomery"Jesus Christ has truly captured my heart. I definitely still struggle daily but I can't imagine taking on these things without Jesus in my life."EJ Bartolomei"So that means all the sins that I had committed and all the sins I will commit are paid for --- are you kidding me?  And you know what, suddenly I loved Him for it.  It became real for me --- I became a part of His story instead of the author of my own --- I saw me for what I am, a sinner and suddenly saw him for who he was, is and will forever be --- Lord of all." Elizabeth Bartolomei"The realization that I had never been in control of my life was one that was difficult to comprehend. When I realized it, it was just further proof of how amazing Jesus is and how he had actually been drawing me in and pursuing me the whole time."Jessi Little"It brought me to tears knowing that I spurned God's love every time I sinned. This is also when I experienced the overwhelming feeling of God’s grace and being so thankful for His forgiveness." Bethany Gorham"Standing knee deep in the blood of my savior who lived a perfect sinless life so that I could live, has transformed me from the inside out."Anna Noll"I’m now confident that I’m not alone. It’s a huge relief knowing that no matter how lost or abandoned I might feel I can always simply run into God’s arms. For it is in His comfort where I know I will always find true peace, happiness, and love." 

"I saw me for what I am, a sinner and suddenly saw him for who he was, is and will forever be: Lord of all."

 Annie Carson"I still fight living up to my own standards and believing lies about my worth.  However, I stand here today knowing that the love of Jesus is and always will be enough! His love for me is unchanging and perfect.  He brings me perfect peace.  I can rest each day knowing that I am his precious child, lacking nothing because of Jesus!"Jessica Gunter"There is no condemnation for those of us in Christ Jesus. Jesus paid for that shame I was feeling. That the beauty of the cross is I no longer have to bear it because he did."Tyler Smith"Life hasn’t been easier but true joy in Christ runs far deeper than pleasure or pain."Jonathan Knowles"I began to feel the weight of my sin because the Lord made me realize what He did for me in Jesus’s life, crucifixion, and resurrection. This had been done for me to free me from that sin and make me perfect in God’s eyes."Danielle Hancock"These were burdens I no longer had to carry because of Christ’s work on the cross. I wanted to leave them behind and have that image as a reminder in my mind that they were not longer apart of my life. I now know that I am not damaged, instead I am a new creation in Christ. In Him I am whole."Paul Hong"How has God not destroyed me because of my sins against Him? The answer hit me like a tidal wave: His grace."Natalie Ivanovskis"I don't need to worry about others' perception of me because I have already been accepted by Jesus, despite being imperfect. His grace is given freely!" 

"How has God not destroyed me because of my sins against Him? The answer hit me like a tidal wave: His grace."

 Join us Sunday to celebrate what Jesus has done. Below is a video from last year's baptisms.If you're interested in being baptized in our next round of baptisms email Nick England at nick@theparadoxchurch.comStories - Baptism :: 2011 from The Paradox Church on Vimeo.


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