The Good King for Families and Kids

Heather Thompson is a partner at The Paradox and mother of three. She has compiled ways to help parents prepare and encourage their children before our upcoming gathering this Sunday.This rainy weather may or may not be having a detrimental affect on my sanity.  Having my three kids inside has been more than a little stressful but I’m trying to find opportunity in the chaos. I laid my Bible open to Mark 4 and prayed that God would multiply the fruit in my kids’ lives by a hundredfold.It’s been hit or miss with reading the passages to my kids each week but there’s something very practical & tangible about parables and instilling the Kingdom into our kids.  I also find that reading the same translation helps them recognize the stories on Sunday.  My oldest lit up when she heard what we had read earlier in the week.

Leading up to Sunday, October 20: Mark 4:21-34

Read these verses to your kids a couple times throughout the week and pause between each story/parable.  Talk about the seeds.  Light a candle and talk about how it lights the room.  How can we do the same things in our house today?Exact verses & translation here.

Hearts that BlessSupplies: construction paper, tape, yarn, crayons

Instructions:For each kiddo, cut a large heart out of each piece of construction paper.  Write their name on the heart.  Tape yarn to the top of the heart so it makes a necklace that hangs mid-torso.Siblings:Have them wear their heart and face each other.  Talk about kindness and honoring each other.  Show them how to take their eyes off their own heart and look (focus) on someone else’s heart.  “Let’s out do each other in love and kindness!”Single kid:Option 1: Have mom or dad make and wear a heart.  How does it honor mom’s heart to respect and obey her today?Can you think of things that will bless and help mommy today?Option 2: Make a heart for friends in your community or at school.  Think of how many things you can do today that will bless your friend and show kindness. P.S. Follow through and make those things really happen!Goal:Every time a kid has an act of kindness, love, or selflessness we draw a star on his or her own heart.  Let’s see how many stars we can get today.  Even when we think of others’ hearts, our own hearts get full!  Hang the heart up on their bedroom doorknob and start again tomorrow!

Happy HairSupplies: clear cups, soil, seeds, individual photos of your kids’ faces (cropped)

Instructions:Fill each cup with soil.  (Now is a great time to talk about good soil vs. rocky ground, path, etc. from verses 1-20)Plant the seeds.  Add a simple biology lesson about how seeds grow.Add their picture to the cup.What a great illustration of planting the word of God in our minds.  Hopefully you’ll have something sprouting soon! 

We love our children at The Paradox. Learn more about Kids City here.


Beautiful Brokenness


Redemption Groups: The Value of the Cross